- Author: Zheng Wang
The 2018 Biostimulant Digital Week (4-Day Webcast Series) registration now opens. Use the link to complete the registration: https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=reg20.jsp&partnerref=test&eventid=1825034&sessionid=1&key=FD6F6C0348C7844061D4F48299614D40®Tag=353425&sourcepage=register
/span>- Author: Zheng Wang
Want to dig more about the current research trend of biostimulant in crop production? The Digital Week of Biostimulant Webcast Series may be a good chance to learn from worldwide scientists and industry regarding cutting edge biostimulant research.
The Biostimulant Webcast is hosted by New Ag International and Knect365 Life Sciences from October 8 to October 11, 2018. Registration is free, and attendees can engage remotely. Stay tuned with the Crop Biostimulant blog for further update. Also, visit https://www.newaginternational.com/index.php/en/conferences/our-conferences/1557-biostimulantsworldcongress-digitalweek for more information.