Solar panels at UC Merced's Science and Engineering building. Credit:...
- Author: Will Kane
Published on: August 26, 2018
Tags: funding (1), John Aubrey Douglass (1), tuition (1), University of California (3), Zachary Bleemer (1)
Comments: 0
- Author: Susie Kocher
- Author: Kim Ingram
- Editor: Sophie Kolding
Published on: February 27, 2012
The 2004 Sierra Nevada Forest Plan Amendment that guides the management of the national forests in the Sierra has been ripe with controversy since its inception. Disagreements over harvesting plan details, the effectiveness of SPLAT fuels treatments and their effects on wildlife and water issues led to the formation of the Sierra Nevada Adaptive Management Project (SNAMP) as a way to address these controversies and learn from the best available science. The US Forest Service, US Fish & Wildlife Service and California Resource agencies contracted with the University of California to be an independent, neutral third party to research key management issues, develop a multi-party adaptive management program that builds on new research...
Tags: forest (7), Lidar (2), Sierra Nevada (9), SNAMP (5), spatial (1), University of California (3)
Comments: 1
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