- Author: Bruce Lidl
Usually, as an IT communicator, my job is to inform people about an amazing new technology or service. A new tool or offering that will profoundly impact their work experience and propel their company or university into a new era of success (we hope!).
That is not my task today, however. Instead, my first announcement as UC ANR IT Communication Specialist is… me.
Last week, I joined CSIT to support ANR web development and to assist IT in getting the word out about all the cool new things we are building. I, myself, am not likely to have a profound impact on your daily work, at least in comparison to the ANR Portal or SiteBuilder...
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

We took some time to think through the best way to improve categories for the ANR Blogs. This took a while as there are many things to consider and many different ways people use categories in the ANR Blogs. In the end we decided to go with an auto complete system for the categories. So as one types in categories, the categories that have already been used in the Blog will be listed as categories that can be chosen. When a category is selected it will be added to the current list of categories.
When choosing a category from the list the mouse or the keyboard may be used to select a category. When using the keyboard; up / down arrow keys highlight the selected category and the "Tab" or...
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

It time for another Blog update. This time the Blog update is on the Site Builder 3.0. People have really liked the Blog Showcase. So we decided to give people the option of using that view within their Site Builder 3.0 websites. Here's some examples:
This extra wide view can only be sen when the left navigation has been removed.
This is the normal full page size.
For pages with multiple columns the Showcase view adjusts it's number of columns accordingly.
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

The ANR Blogs have seen quite a few more changes this week in both the administration area and the public side. In the Administration area we've changed the main section of the page from lists of links to more informative view of your Blog. The new view shows the number of posts on your blog, number of comments, comments waiting to be approved, stats from the past month, and more. There are also links to each of these summarized areas to see them in greater detail or deal with moderation needs. The Administration area is in it's infancy stages and will be going through several changes / additions before the final form is settled upon.
One nicety that was added was the...
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

I just got off the phone with someone out in "the field" somewhere in this great state. He was wondering, "How do I people to follow my blog?" This is a very important question and if something is hard to do we've lost 75% of our audience right there. Luckily we've spent a lot of time re-doing the subscription system for the ANR Blogs, and we are still looking into other ways to make it easier to follow the Blogs.
The new subscription system is really quite easy to use. Every Blog has a link in the menu named "Subscribe". Simply click on this enter your e-mail and security code and your done! You will receive an e-mail confirming your subscription.
Believe it or not it get's even easier... If you're already logged...