- Author: Bruce Lidl
Usually, as an IT communicator, my job is to inform people about an amazing new technology or service. A new tool or offering that will profoundly impact their work experience and propel their company or university into a new era of success (we hope!).
That is not my task today, however. Instead, my first announcement as UC ANR IT Communication Specialist is… me.
Last week, I joined CSIT to support ANR web development and to assist IT in getting the word out about all the cool new things we are building. I, myself, am not likely to have a profound impact on your daily work, at least in comparison to the ANR Portal or SiteBuilder...
- Author: Kevin Taniguchi

CSIT is pleased to announce we have updated the Collaborative Tools System. "Version 3" provides useful new features while modernizing the critical functions you're already familiar with.
New Design - Collaborative Tools now sports a modern clean design with larger fonts for easier reading. It is also built with several device sizes in mind, so it should look great on your new backordered iPhone 6 Plus!
Roll Up – This new feature allows you to consolidate your Collaborative Tools notifications into manageable summary emails delivered on a regular basis. With Roll-Up you'll be able to search through multiple groups, view all activity for a specific date range, or filter by...
- Author: Dave Krause

We've completed a change to Collaborative Tools that should improve email delivery for the system. Email service providers like Yahoo and Gmail use the DMARC specification to deter the amount of spam delivered to users. In recent weeks, we've seen more emails being flagged as spam or completely rejected.
Historically, we've sent emails from the system with the original sender's email in the "from" field. Therefore, if someone with the address crazy4cats@yahoo.com sent an email using the VMS, we would send it from crazy4cats@yahoo.com. If the email goes to other users with Yahoo accounts, it will likely be rejected because Yahoo can tell that the original email did not come...
- Author: Dave Krause

We've recently made some changes to the "Documents" section of Collaborative Tools to enhance file security within the system. The Documents and File Versions are no longer accessible by URL as before; you must be a logged in member of the group to download a file.
If we did our work correctly, you should not notice any change at all. However, should you encounter issues, please submit a ticket to our help system.
This change does not include files uploaded to the discussion posts. Adding additional security to files included in discussion posts will be addressed during the next round of updates to...
- Author: Dave Krause

Anyone reading this on their mobile device right now? According to our Blog stats, 74% of you read the Web/IT blog while in the bathroom, presumably taking a luxurious bath, the scent of exotic oils and candles relaxing you into a perfect moment of Zen which is the exact state of mind you should be in when reading our posts.
Chances are, if you're reading this in the bathroom, you're using a mobile device. We've been eager to optimize our applications for the mobile web for some time now, so last week we furiously cranked out a mobile version of the Portal and Collaborative Tools.
Keep in mind, these are VERY preliminary. We expect to enhance, beautify and grow our mobile environment as time and resources permit. Please...