- Author: Bryon J. Noel

We've had a few questions about how to add the anrstats@gmail.com e-mail account to your own Google Analytics account so here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to add the account to your Google Analytics.
Step 1) Login
First you will need to login to your Google Analytics account.
Step 2) Selecting an Account
Once logged in this will take you to your Google Analytics Account Home.
Step 3) Select a specific account
In Google Analytics user access to Analytics data is per account. So if you have more than one account you will need to add the user anrstats@gmail.com to...
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

Google Analytics has been updated in the blogs to the latest version. For those using Google Analytics on the Blogs you don't have to do anything. The update simply keeps up with Google's updates to their Analytics software. Updates like this are very standard and normal practice.
If you are not using Google Analytics to track your blog statistics and would like to here's how.
- Author: Dave Krause

We just added the ability to track your Site Builder site with Google Analytics. To enable Google Analytics, you'll first need an account, which you can get here.
You will receive a code, as seen in the image. Go to Site Builder and click "Edit Site Information" under the Administration section. You will see the field available to place your newly minted code. Save the information and republish your site when prompted. That's it!
A couple of warnings about Google Analytics. First, we don't support it in any way. We only facilitate you being able to use them, and do not offer any training on running reports within Google's...
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

A few minor improvements have been made to the Blogs RSS feed and Podcast feed. The changes relate to keeping up with RSS technology and providing a way to tracking RSS feed usage. You may never see any of these changes. However if you like statistics, then you will probably be looking for your blogs RSS feed usage.
Let's take a closer look at how to see your RSS feed's usage. First, your Blog must be gathering statistics using Google Analytics. To find out more about that read my previous Blog Post on Blog Statistics. Once your Blog is gathering statistics it may not be gathering stats on your RSS feed. If you post regularly then you can skip this...
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

The magic word of the day is "Statistics", more specifically Blog Statistics. Yes you heard me right. Blog Statistics! Now your asking me what is this picture of Google Analytics for? I'm glad you asked! Typically we have a program called Smarter Stats for statistics. Unfortunately, for this program will not work properly for the ANR Blogs. So we decided that it would be better to use Google Analytics for gathering stats. Google Analytics is a free, easy, and very powerful website statistics package. The only drawback is you need to go to Google to see your stats. Which really is not that hard at all. So with this in mind we wired the ANR Blogs to work harmoniously with Google Analytics.
So how can you add Google...