- Author: Dave Krause

After 13 years with ANR, IT Manager Karl Krist is leaving to take a position with Foundation Plant Services at UC Davis. Karl was hired at ANR in 2000 to create the first Site Builder. Before then, all county websites were built separately, lacked any unifying appearance, and were difficult to update by county staff.
It took Karl about six months to create the original Site Builder and begin rolling it out to counties.
"I was adding one or two counties per month," Karl told me this morning. "I made sure Site Builder worked for people by following up constantly with them. Any issues or needs were dealt with immediately."
In 2000, Site Builder was far from the full-featured content management system we...
- Author: Dave Krause

While you wait for the new "mobile-friendly" Site Builder design to launch in early April, you can enjoy two new features to the design tool right now!
Custom Header Photos
Our now departed designer, Alex, did a great job curating photos for the header library. Each photo he found or received was color-corrected, resized, and generally buffed to a high shine. Now that he is no longer in this role, we've decided to open up the design tool to allow users to upload header photos. Here's how it works:
Go into Site...
/h2>- Author: Karl Krist
While mobile applications (iPhone, etc) are appealing in many ways, there are also many downsides. In ANR we've taken a different approach to making our content accessible to a mobile audience- responsive web design.
If you are interested in our mobile strategy, or if you just want to make your site available on small mobile devices, take a look at this video.
- Author: Dave Krause

After serving the division for five years, Alex Zangeneh-Azam is leaving the Web Action Team. Alex has had his hand in the design of just about every web application created or refreshed since he arrived. He's also been our main customer service support person for Site Builder, Surveys, Blogs, Collaborative Tools and most recently, Adobe Connect.
Alex's cool temperament has earned him a great deal of praise over the years, and his departure will be felt by all of those he has assisted.
If you'd like to send Alex a note, his last day will be February 22, 2013. After that, he will be moving to his new PROGRAMMING position at UC Davis. After stewing in the web cave for the past five years, Alex has finally morphed...
- Author: Dave Krause

We've made a few changes to Site Builder and our Blog system that are worth sharing with you. Indeed, we should probably Pin a Tweet to our Wall and throw it in one of our Circles.
We've upgraded the Sharing feature of Site Builder and the Blogs to allow for the inclusion of a Twitter handle. This is your Twitter ID, the name following the "@" symbol. You can use a Twitter ID to locate a profile on their site, like this example: http://twitter.com/ANRWebGuy.
On the the page properties of your "home page," you can set the default Twitter handle for your site. If you have "sharing" enabled, any time someone shares to Twitter, your ID will go...