Drinking water risk in the Central Valley
KGET - TV, Bakersfield
Canella statement on report about nitrates in drinking water
Sen. Anthony Canella, The Merced Sun-Star
Project assesses management of nitrate on farms
Kate Campbell, AgAlert
UC nitrate report prompts calls for action
Central Valley Business Times
Nitrate pollution beginning to affect Salinas water quality
Larry Parsons, The Monterey County Herald
Nitrates in California drinking water, study finds
Peter Fimrite, San Francisco Chronicle
Groundwater nitate contamination grows in California farm areas
Bettina Boxall, The Los Angeles Times
Study: Drinking water at risk from California agriculture
Donna Jones, The San Jose Mercury News
Widespread nitrate contamination reported
United Press International
UC study: Cropland threatens drinking water for 250,000 in Valley
Mark Grossi, The Fresno Bee
(Also in the Sacramento Bee and Modesto Bee)
Report: Calif. nitrate contamination spreading
Gosia Wozniacka, Associated Press
Study Cites Risk For Farm Belt Drinking Water
Sasha Kocha, The California Report
Viewpoints: Risks, costs will rise from contamination of drinking water
Thomas Harter and Jay Lund, UC Davis, The Sacramento Bee
(Also in the Modesto Bee)
Farming communities facing crisis over nitrate pollution, study says
Stett Holbrook, Food & Environment Reporting Network, MSNBC
Report: Nitrate from Fertilizer Polluting Drinking Water in Ag Regions
Lon Abbott, Public News Service