Distribution of ACP, HLB and parasites in California

This zoomable map allows the user to see where and how often the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) has been trapped since 2008 at the section level (one mile square). The sections where the beneficial Tamarixia parasites have been released are shown in green and Diaphorencyrtus parasite releases are shown in purple. The map can also show the current quarantine boundaries for huanglongbing disease (HLB), the movement of bulk citrus, and nursery stock.

ACP Detection data last updated: 10/23/2024. HLB Detection data last updated: 10/23/2024. Biocontrol data last updated: 10/23/2024.  These data are provided by the California Department of Food and Agriculture.  

  • Layers: Clicking on this box allows you to toggle on and off 'layers' of the map such as the ACP densities, Tamarixia parasites, or quarantines    
  • Measurement tools (acres, miles, GPS location), click on the "Measure" icon located just above the map, then click on the map at the start and stop locations. To stop using the tool, click again on the tool button

Source URL: https://ucanr.edu/site/asian-citrus-psyllid-distribution-and-management/distribution-acp-hlb-and-parasites-california