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Farm Maps: Farm Water Quality Planning Series
This is reference sheet 7.4 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Sprout Production in California
Sprouts have been grown for food since prehistoric times, and they remain a viable crop today. This publication gives tips on growing, packaging, and marketing sprouts.
Vegetable Garden Basics
Essential points to consider when you are planning a vegetable garden.
Fruit Trees: Pruning Overgrown Deciduous Trees
How to rehabilitate that overgrown, untended fruit tree, or decide whether it's worth the effort.
Fruit Trees: Training and Pruning Deciduous Trees
How to prune fruit and nut trees for optimum health and productivity.
Legal Descriptions of Property: Farm Water Quality Planning Series
This is reference sheet 7.3 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Nonpoint Sources of Pollution in Irrigated Agriculture
This is reference sheet 9.1 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Guide to Resource Management Records for Farms
This is reference sheet 7.2 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Identifying Your Farm Water Quality Goals
This is reference sheet 7.1 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Farm Water Quality Planning Short Course Objectives: Farm Water Qualit...
This is fact sheet 1.1 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Stages of the Cottony Cushion Scale and its Natural Enemy . . .
Color photos of various life stages of cottony cushion scale and a natural enemy used for biocontrol, the vedalia beetle. Cottony cushion scale is a pest of citrus and woody ornamentals
Cucumber Production in California
Cucumber is a profitable commercial crop over a large area of California. This publication gives tips on planting, cultivating, and marketing.
Getting a Handle on Broom: Scotch, French, Spanish, and Portuguese Bro...
Scotch broom and related plants can aid in erosion control and improve soil nitrogen content, but they can also be formidable as weeds. This publication tells how and where broom grows best and gives tips on how to keep it under control.
Fruit Trees: Planting and Care of Young Trees
Learn how to plant, prune, and care for bare-root or countainer-grown fruit trees.
Fruit Trees: Thinning Young Fruit
When you reduce the number of young fruit on a tree early in the season, you improve the quality of the remaining fruit at harvest time.
Planting Landscape Trees
Learn the basics of planting and caring for a new landscape tree.
Fertilizing Landscape Trees
Advice on determining what nutrients your landscape tree needs and how to to apply them.
Lawn Watering Guide for California
A straightforward method to help homeowners set up timed irrigation systems for lawns anywhere in California.
Biotechnology Provides New Tools for Plant Breeding
Recombinant DNA is still a relatively new technology. This publication gives a basic introduction to how it works and how it's being used in plant breeding.
Sclerotinia Diseases
Sclerotinia diseases cause rotting in a variety of vegetable and floral crops. Learn how to recognize and control outbreaks.
Damping-Off Diseases
Damping-off diseases affect vegetable crops worldwide. Learn the basic on how these fungal diseases spread and what you can do to stop them.
Alternaria Diseases
Apples, broccoli, tomatoes, citrus, and a wide variety of other food crops are susceptible to Alternaria diseases. Learn how to recognize symptoms and control outbreaks.
Sago Palms in the Landscape
Useful tips on propagating and growing these distinctive, palm-like trees in mild-winter regions.
Navel Orange Split
A near-ripe citrus fruit that splits on the tree gives a disappointing end to the growing season. Read about likely causes of navel orange split and what you can do to help reduce its occurrence.
Compost in a Hurry
Simple, straightforward tips to help you generate useable compost in as little as 2 or 3 weeks.
Water Conservation Tips for the Home Lawn and Garden
How to make the most of your lawn area using the least amount of irrigation water.
Turfgrass Selection for the Home Landscape
Turfgrass species and varieties rated from best to worst for 14 different criteria involving climate, disease resistance, and intended use of the lawn.
Rangeland Management Series: Livestock Management During Drought
When drought conditions reduce the supply of forage feed, ranchers have to allocate the available feed where it will do the herd the most good. This publication gives you a scientific basis for making that decision.
Insecticide and Miticide Resistance Management in San Joaquin Valley C...
It's a fine line: pest control chemicals can help growers increase yields and reduce costs, but poor application techniques can lead to chemical-resistant pests. Read about how chemical resistance works and how you can help prevent its development.
Spinach Production: Sample Costs and Profitability Analysis
Sample costs of production were developed in Ventura County in 1999, but can easily be modified to fit other growing areas.
Loose-Leaf Lettuce Production: Sample Costs and Profitability Analysis
Sample costs of production were developed in Ventura County in 1999, but can easily be modified to fit other growing areas.
Cowpea Production: Sample Costs and Benefits as a Summer Cover Crop
Sample costs and benefits were developed in Coachella Valley, but can fit other growing areas.
Cilantro Production: Sample Costs and Profitability Analysis
Sample costs of production were developed in Ventura County in 1999, but can easily be modified to fit other growing areas.
Celery Production: Sample Costs and Profitability Analysis
Sample costs of production were developed in Ventura County in 1999, but can easily be modified to fit other growing areas.
Broccoli Production: Sample Costs and Profitability Analysis
Sample costs of production were developed in Ventura County in 1999, but can easily be modified to fit other growing areas.
Bell Pepper Production: Sample Costs and Profitability Analysis
Sample costs of production were developed in Ventura County in 1999, but can easily be modified to fit other growing areas.
Frequently Asked Questions on Pitch Canker
Pitch canker can kill branches on Monterey pines, and sometimes kills the entire tree. Use the color photos in this electronic publication to identify pitch canker, and learn what you can do to check its spread.
Rangeland Management Series: Annual Rangeland Forage Quality
Livestock on California's foothill rangelands get much of their nutrition from rangeland forage plants. Year-to-year variations in environmental conditions determine the nutrient content of this forage.
Rangeland Management Series: Balancing Beef Cow Nutrient Requirements ...
Livestock on California's foothill rangelands get much of their nutrition from rangeland forage plants. The publication helps you strike the best balance of range forage to purchased feed in any given year.
Rhubarb Production in California
Rhubarb is a frost-tolerant cool-season perennial. Its edible stems' unique flavor makes it a favorite ingredient in pies and desserts. This publication gives you the basics on commercially growing, harvesting, and marketing fresh rhubarb.
Rangeland Management Series: Using Stage of Maturity to Predict the Qu...
Livestock on California's foothill rangelands get much of their nutrition from rangeland forage. By observing the maturation rate of forage plants, you can predict their nutritional content at maturity and anticipate the need to provide supplemental feed
Rangeland Management Series: Annual Range Forage Production
Livestock on California's foothill rangelands get much of their nutrition from rangeland forage plants. An understanding of how climatic factors influence forage productivity can help growers predict the need to provide supplemental feed.
Fresh-Market Tomato Production in California
California farmers grow more than 550,000 tons of fresh-market tomatoes a year. This publication gives you concise information on culture, pest management, and marketing for this important crop.
Plasticulture in California Vegetable Production
Farmers up and down California are using plastic mulches, row covers, and tunnels to improve vegetable production or extend the growing season. This publication describes the variety of materials available, their uses, and their potential benefits.
Guidelines for Controlling Listeria monocytogenes in Packing Op...
New handling and packaging techniques can help keep this disease-causing bacterium out of refrigerated and ready-to-eat foods.
Rangeland Monitoring Series: Sediment Delivery Inventory and Monitorin...
This easy-to-use worksheet and photographic record method gives any landowner a simple way to monitor streamside erosion and waterway sediment data for use in land management decisions or to demonstrate compliance with water quality standards.
Using Transplants in Vegetable Production
Growers who use greenhouse transplants can target early-season markets and often produce multiple crops in a single growing season. In addition, they reduce pest and disease losses, and help ensure a more uniform stand.
Herbicide Resistance: Definition and Management Strategies
An herbicide ceases to be a useful tool for farmers when its target weeds develop resistance to its effects. This publication helps you understand resistance: what causes it, and how you can slow or prevent its development.
Peach Rust Caused by Tranzschelia discolor in California
Peach rust is a problem in every peach-growing area of California, but causes the greatest damage in the Sacramento Valley. Color photos and descriptions in this publication help you identify the disease and the conditions that encourage its development.
Chestnut Culture in California
Learn how to grow this sweet and increasingly marketable low-fat nut. Information on species and varieties, worldwide consumption, economics, and marketing; how to choose an orchard site, plant and maintain the orchard, harvest, and storage.
Interpreting Turfgrass Irrigation Water Test Results
Water analysis by a commercial laboratory provides data on many parameters, some of which are of little significance for turfgrass irrigation. Learn which parameters are the most important for turfgrass management.
Onion Seed Production in California
An overview of production including growth cycle and climactic needs, varieties, planting, irrigation, harvesting and drying, and postharvest handling and storage.
Cherry Crinkle-Leaf and Deep Suture Disorders
Crinkle-leaf (bull trees, unproductive cherry, or male trees) and deep suture are are widespread and damaging disorders of sweet cherry fruit. Learn how to identify and control these two disorders.
Mowing Your Lawn and Grasscycling
Grass clippings make up a surprisingly large portion of California’s solid waste stream during the growing season. Learn how to properly mow your lawn, how to “grasscycle” the clippings, mower safety tips and more.
Harvesting and Storing Your Home Orchard's Nut Crop: Almonds, Walnuts,...
The quality and quantity of your home orchard’s nut crop depend on the harvesting, handling, and storage methods that you use. This publication offers some handy advice for almonds, walnuts, pecans, pistachos, and chestnuts.
Peppers: Safe Methods to Store, Preserve, & Enjoy
This guide includes safety tips for preserving peppers along with recommended methods for storing, freezing, drying, pickling, and canning. Also includes seven recipes for pickled peppers, salsa, jellies, and relishes.
Postharvest Chlorination: Basic Properties & Key Points . . .
Chlorination of process water is one of the key elements of a properly managed postharvest sanitation program. When used in an overall safety management program, chlorination is effective, inexpensive, and may be used in operations of any size.
Easy On-Site Tests for Fungi & Viruses in Nurseries and Greenhouses
Now, instead of sending samples to a laboratory and waiting for answers, you can use quick and relatively simple, commercially available test kits to identify common plant viruses and root and crown decay fungi.
Budding & Grafting Citrus & Avocados in the Home Garden
It is often tempting, after eating a delicious orange or avocado, to plant the seed. But, fruit grown from these seed may not have the desired results. Here is an introduction to budding and grafting–the best way to produce good quality fruit.
Pears: An Alternative Feed
Pears that are weather damaged or otherwise unsaleable need not go entirely to waste: you can still use them as feed for cattle, sheep, or goats. This brief publication gives you the basics on making the best of your fruit tree losses.
Preguntas frecuentes sobre la irradiación de los alimentos
Preguntas frecuentes sobre la irradiación de los alimentos.
Frequently asked questions on radiated food. |
Guidelines for Food Safety During Short-Term Power Outages: Consumer F...
All Californians now and then experience random, unplanned power outages or blackouts. Learn how to keep fresh and frozen foods safe in power outages of 2 hours or less and how to plan in advance for rolling blackouts.
Walnuts: Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners
This series of handy guides for the home orchard gives a quick overview of major tasks that should be undertaken during the winter dormant, spring bloom, summer growing and harvest, and autumn seasons. This guide is for walnuts.
Plums: Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners
This series of handy guides for the home orchard gives a quick overview of major tasks that should be undertaken during the winter dormant, spring bloom, summer growing and harvest, and autumn seasons. This guide is for plums.
Peaches and Nectarines: Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners
This series of handy guides for the home orchard gives a quick overview of major tasks that should be undertaken during the winter dormant, spring bloom, summer growing and harvest, and autumn seasons. This guide is for peaches and nectarines.
Cherries: Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners
This series of handy guides for the home orchard gives a quick overview of major tasks that should be undertaken during the winter dormant, spring bloom, summer growing and harvest, and autumn seasons. This guide is for cherries.
Apricots: Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners
This series of handy guides for the home orchard gives a quick overview of major tasks that should be undertaken during the winter dormant, spring bloom, summer growing and harvest, and autumn seasons. This guide is for apricots.
Apples and Pears: Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners
This series of handy guides for the home orchard gives a quick overview of major tasks that should be undertaken during the winter dormant, spring bloom, summer growing and harvest, and autumn seasons. This guide is for apples and pears.
Almonds: Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners
This series of handy guides for the home orchard gives a quick overview of major tasks that should be undertaken during the winter dormant, spring bloom, summer growing and harvest, and autumn seasons. This guide is for almonds.
Water Disinfection: A Practical Approach to Calculating Dose Values fo...
Water is used to irrigate, wash, and transport produce before and after harvest. This free publication tells how to keep that water clean and free of pathogens.
Frequently Asked Questions about Food Irradiation
How does food irradiation improve food safety? Is irradiated food safe to eat? This free publication offers answers on basic concerns regarding this new technology.
Postharvest Handling for Organic Crops
An overview of general postharvest handling considerations unique to the marketing of registered or certified organic produce, with a brief introduction to currently permitted and restricted postharvest treatments.
Pesticides for Specialty Crops
Insecticides, acaricides, fungicides, and herbicides listed for use on 64 specialty crops or crop groups.
Plant Disease Management for Organic Crops
Plant diseases create challenging problems in commercial agriculture and pose real economic threats to both conventional and organic farming systems. In an organic system, disease-control strategies should have an ecological basis.
Insect Management for Organic Crops
Before planting a crop, an organic vegetable grower needs to understand the pests and beneficial organisms that usually occur in that crop and anticipate the pest problems that are likely to occur.
Weed Management for Organic Crops
Weed management in organic vegetable production systems must involve the use of many techniques and strategies, all with the goal of achieving economically acceptable weed control and crop yields.
Soil Fertility Management for Organic Crops
Organic soil fertility management is guided by the philosophy of “feed the soil to feed the plant.” This basic precept is implemented through a series of practices designed to increase soil organic matter, biological activity, and nutrient availability.
Soil Management and Soil Quality for Organic Crops
Sustaining and improving soil quality over the long term are frequently identified by organic farmers as their primary management goals.
Organic Certification, Farm Production Planning, and Marketing
Certification and registration, though separate processes, are similar with respect to organic standards and requirements. Both are intended to ensure differentiation and integrity of organic production, handling, and processing.
Tomatillo Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Summer Squash Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers of zucchini and other summer squashes, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Chile Pepper Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Green Onion Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Fresh-Market Bulb Onion Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Turnip Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Snap Bean Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Dehydrator Bulb Onion Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Olive Spray Thinning Guidelines
Olive growers can improve the marketability of their crop by thinning the fruit with naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) spray. This free publication explains timing, method, spray concentrations, and results.
Sweet Potato Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Cilantro Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Eggplant Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Asparagus Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Edible-Pod Pea Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Selecting Chickens for Home Use
Whether you want to raise chickens for eggs, meat, or show, you will find valuable, basic information in this free publication.
Cucurbit Seed Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Processing Tomato Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Managing Lawns on Heavy Soils
Turfgrass generally does not do well on heavy, clay soils, but there are some basic steps you can take to improve its chances.
Carrot Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Guidelines for Describing Grazing Management & Utilization
Terms and quantification techniques to help account for livestock grazing when you conduct a botanical survey of an area.
Honey Bee Pollination of Cantaloupe, Cucumber, & Watermelon
Honey bees are vital to growing a successful cucurbit crop. Learn about timing, optimum conditions, and contracting with a beekeeper.
Sweet Corn Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
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