Showing 101 - 200 of 317 Results ( Previous | Next )
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Small Grain Production Pt 8: Pest Management -- Vertebrates
Part 8 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual gives essential information on vertebrate pests, including meadow mice, pocket gophers, rabbits, hares, deer, feral pigs, and waterfowl.
Small Grain Production Pt 7: Pest Management -- Insects
Part 7 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual provides color photographs and discussion of the major insect pests of small grains in California.
Small Grain Production Pt 6: Pest Management -- Diseases
Part 6 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual discusses integrated pest management (IPM) for your crop and provides important information on and full-color photographs of the primary diseases of small grains in California.
Small Grain Production Pt 5: Irrigation and Water Relations
Part 5 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual is a primer on water needs, including moisture requirements at the different stages of production, patterns of water consumption, and irrigation methods and timing.
Small Grain Production Pt 4: Fertilization
Part 4 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual includes information on soils and fertility, symptoms of nutrient deficiency or toxicity (with full-color photographs), and fertilizer application, timing, and rates.
Small Grain Production Pt 3: Seedbed Preparation, Sowing, and Residue ...
Part 3 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual discusses your options in the initial stages of production, including till versus no-till systems, drilling versus broadcast seeding, and sowing depth, rate, and timing.
Small Grain Production Pt 2: Growth and Development of Small Grains
Part 2 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual describes the stages of small grain growth, including germination, tillering, vegetative growth, stem elongation, heading, flowering, grain filling, growth habit and yield components.
Small Grain Production Pt 1: Importance of Small Grain Crops in Califo...
Part 1 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual gives an overview of the history and current status of small grain production in California.
Dryland Pastures: Establishment and Management in the Intermountain Re...
Covers important considerations for site selection, seed mixes that are appropriate for different climates and land-use plans, seeding rates, seed-bed preparation methods, planting times, seeding methods, weed control, and grazing management.
Common Lice and Mites of Poultry: Identification and Treatment
How to recognize and control louse and mite parasites on chickens, turkeys, and other poultry.
Pesticide Choice: Best Management Practice (BMP) for Protecting Surfac...
Full Title: Pesticide Choice: Best Management Practice (BMP) for Protecting Surface Water Quality in Agriculture
How to make pest control decisions that will minimize the potential for harm to surface water quality. |
Raising Dairy Goat Kids
How to keep young dairy goats well fed and healthy.
Growing Tomatoes in the Home Garden
Tomatoes are among the most popular vegetables grown in home gardens. They also prompt frequent cultural and pest management questions; many problems can be avoided by planting disease-resistant varieties that are well adapted for your growing area.
Managing Mosquitoes on the Farm
Mosquitoes on the farm can cause a variety of problems: they carry illness to humans, harm livestock, and reduce you property's value. Learn the basics of agricultural mosquito control from this free publication.
Maintaining Wood in Streams: A Vital Action for Fish Conservation
Large woody debris is a critically important resource for California's fish and wildlife.
Raising Game Birds
There are many reasons to raise game birds, including pheasants, chukar partridges, and Japanese or bobwhite quail: as a hobby, a 4-H project, or even a business venture. Interested? This publication will point you in the right direction.
Egg Basics for the Consumer: Packaging, Storage, and Nutritional Infor...
How to recognize freshness and quality in the eggs you buy for your home and family.
Roundup Ready Alfalfa: An Emerging Technology
Find out how glyphosate-resistant alfalfa promises to make weed control much simpler and alfalfa production cheaper.
Vine Mealybug: What You Should Know
Vine mealybug (VMB), a vineyard pest throughout the world, damages grape foliage and fruit, rendering the fruit unmarketable. This publication helps you identify and control VMB in California vineyards.
Growing Seed Sprouts at Home
How to grow edible sprouts at home while avoiding food safety hazards.
Key Points of Control and Management of Microbial Food Safety: Informa...
Information for Producers, Processors, and Handlers of Fresh Market Tomatoes
Most commercial tomatoes that we eat are wholesome and disease-free, but it takes some work to keep it that way. Here are some basic steps to remember. |
Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) for Water Disinfection Monitoring
Large volumes of water are commonly used during postharvest handling of minimally processed fruits and vegetables. Water disinfection is a critical step in minimizing the potential transmission of pathogens from a water source to produce.
Pistachio: Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners
This series of handy guides for the home orchard gives a quick overview of major tasks that should be undertaken during the winter dormant, spring bloom, summer growing and harvest, and autumn seasons. This guide is for pistachios.
Selling Meat and Meat Products
Federal, state, or local agency inspection is mandatory for any meat or meat product before it can be sold. This publication explains various product categories and tells which inspection each one requires.
Crop Biotechnology: Feeds for Livestock
Some food shoppers are concerned about the safety of biotech crops and of food animals raised on biotech feeds. This publication summarizes scientific research on the topic.
Selecting Lumber and Lumber Substitutes for Outdoor Exposures
Wood used in water-intensive conditions such as the garden or waterways must be especially resistant to rot. This publication describes the various materials available.
Nutrition and Health Info Sheet: Calcium
Calcium does more than build strong bones: too little calcium in your food can also have severe consequence for your muscles, teeth, blood, and nervous system. Learn where to find calcium in your food and how to keep enough in your diet.
Nutrition and Health Info Sheet: Cholesterol
Cholesterol isn't simple. Some is "good," some is "bad"; it's something our bodies need, but only in small amounts. Confused? This publication can help with its clear, specific answers to common questions about cholesterol in your diet and in your body.
Nutrition and Health Info Sheet: Iron and Iron Deficiency Anemia
You need plenty of iron in your diet, both to carry oxygen in your bloodstream and to keep all of your body's cells functioning properly. Severe iron deficiency causes a type of anemia. Learn to ensure you have the right amount of iron in your diet.
Nutrition and Health Info Sheet: General Nutrition and Health Guidelin...
Good eating habits and the right amount of exercise can keep you healthy and feeling your best. This publication is a quick guide to help you balance all of the food groups, eat a sensible diet, and maintain an activity level that will keep you fit.
Nutrition and Health Info Sheet: Fiber
You know it's a good idea to have plenty of fiber in your diet, but what are the best kinds of fiber to eat, and where can you find them in your pantry or fridge? This free publication can answer those questions and set you on the right track.
Nutrition and Health Info Sheet: Calcium and Osteoporosis
A calcium-poor diet is a primary risk factor for osteoporosis. Learn how the right mix of calcium, other nutrients, exercise, and sensible good-health practices can help you keep your chances of osteoporosis to a minimum.
Nutrition and Health Info Sheet: St. John's Wort
St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), a dietary supplement, is sometimes used as an antidepressant in alternative medicine. Learn more about its safe use, with particular attention to its interactions with other medicines.
Nutrition and Health Info Sheet: Facts about Fat
Saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, trans -- This much is clear: There are fats, and then there are fats. This short publication will help you sort out the one from the other and help you make better food choices.
Lavenders for California Gardens
Lavender is a delightful and useful garden plant. It can be used as a drought-tolerant low hedge, a specimen plant, a cut flower, and an herb that provides a fragrant addition to many herbal projects.
Egg Candling and Breakout Analysis
Color photo guide to determining quality and condition of intact poultry eggs.
Ozone Applications for Postharvest Disinfection of Edible Horticultura...
This publication provides an introductory overview of the properties, applications, known efficacy, and worker exposure and safety consideration of applying ozone in the postharvest environment.
Minimum Tillage Vegetable Crop Production in California
Tillage operations in vegetable production represent time, energy, equipment, and labor that can make up more than 25% of preharvest production costs. Reduced-tillage systems have been developed to control costs and optimize soil management.
Understanding and Improving Beef Cattle Carcass Quality
Carcass attributes are figuring more into the cow-calf manager’s decision-making process and yielding financial rewards. Learn what carcass information means and how it can be used it to improve beef quality.
Mulches in California Vegetable Crop Production
Surface mulches are widely used in the production of strawberries and certain high-value vegetable crops. For production practices using polyethylene or cover crop mulches to be successful, production goals must be matched with know how and experience.
Using CCA Preservative-Treated Lumber in Gardens and Landscaping
Lumber that has been pressure-treated with chromated copper arsenate (CCA) resists decay and is commonly used in gardens and landscaping, but it does release a certain amount of its toxic chemicals into the environment. Learn how use this wood safely.
Common Incubation Problems: Causes and Remedies
It is advisable to investigate poultry hatches that are below expectations. This publication can help you determinethe cause of failed incubations, hatches that are below expectations, or poor chick quality.
Producing Quality Almonds: Food Safety Starts on the Farm
The potential for contamination of almonds by harmful organisms increases during harvest when the nuts are dropped to the ground. Learn procedures that can reduce the potential for on-farm contamination of almonds.
Managing Mosquitoes in Stormwater Treatment Devices
When you retain storm-generated drainwater to remove pollutants before releasing it into natural waterways, you can easily create an ideal mosquito-breeding habitat. This publication tells how to treat drainwater and still prevent mosquito infestations.
Sediment Management Goals and Management Practices for Nursery and Flo...
This is fact sheet 3.9 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Nutrient Management Goals and Management Practices for Strawberries
Full Title: Nutrient Management Goals and Management Practices for Strawberries: Farm Water Quality Planning Series
This is fact sheet 3.14 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series. |
Nutrient Management Goals and Management Practices for Nursery and Flo...
These management goals and practices aim to improve the management of nutrients, thereby reducing or eliminating nutrient losses in surface runoff.
This is fact sheet 3.11 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Safe Handling of Fruits and Vegetables
How to keep food-poisoning bacteria out of your kitchen and off your plate.
Hatching Egg Sanitation: The Key Step in Successful Storage and Produc...
Eggs produced for hatching are not headed for your kitchen, but they still need to be clean and germ-free if you want to hatch healthy, disease-free chicks.
Pesticide Selection to Reduce Impacts on Water Quality
This is reference sheet 9.5 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Evaluating Water Quality
This is fact sheet 5.2 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Managing Mosquitoes in Surface-Flow Constructed Treatment Wetlands
Constructed wetlands can provide many economic and environmental benefits, but due care must be taken to prevent mosquito infestations.
Tomatoes: Safe Methods to Store, Preserve, and Enjoy
This guide includes advice on selecting tomatoes for the home garden as well as from the market; safety tips for handling fresh tomatoes; and recommended methods for storing, freezing, drying, and canning. Also includes two salsa recipes.
Patch Budding: A Convenient Method for Top-Working Olives
Covers timing, scion wood selection, and techniques for patch budding onto small and large established trees.
Holiday Cacti
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter cacti bloom from late fall through spring, providing vibrant color at a time of year when
few other houseplants look their best. Learn how your holiday cacti can thrive and look their best!
Extending the Freshness of Cut Flowers at Home
Here are some suggestions to help you maintain the freshness of your cut flowers, extend your enjoyment of the flowers, and stretch your flower-buying dollar a little farther.
Fish Habitat in Freshwater Streams
This is reference sheet 10.3 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
The Lunch Box Series, E: 15 Take-Along Lunches for Preschool Children
Fifteen simple, balanced bag-lunch menus to keep your preschooler healthy and well-fed, plus guidelines for making menus of your own.
The Lunch Box Series, D: Appealing Lunches for Preschool Children
A packed lunch that's tasty, colorful, and nutritious is sure to appeal to your preschooler. Basic guidelines and sample menus are included.
The Lunch Box Series, C: Safe Lunches for Preschool Children
Tips on keeping food safety in mind when you put together your preschooler's nutritious sack lunch.
The Lunch Box Series, B: Learning from Labels
Basic information on how to read and interpret the Nutrition Facts and ingredients labels on foods.
The Lunch Box Series, A: Healthy Lunches for Preschool Children
Basic nutrition facts (including USDA's MyPyramid for Kids), and how to apply them when preparing lunch for young children. Sample menus included.
Key Features of Common Lygus Species in the Central San Joaquin Valley
Correct identification of captured Lygus bugs and similar-looking insects is a key to accurate research and pest control.
A Field Key to Lygus Species of the Central San Joaquin Valley
Key Points of Control and Management for Microbial Food Safety: Melons
Information for Producers, Handlers, and Processors of Melons
Most commercial melons that we eat are wholesome and disease-free, but it takes some work and attention to keep it that way. Here are some basic steps to remember. |
Key Points of Control & Management for Microbial Food Safety: Growers ...
Information for Growers, Packers, and Handlers of Horticultural Products
Most commercial produce that we eat is wholesome and disease-free, but it takes some work and attention to keep it that way. Here are some basic steps to remember. |
Key Points of Control and Management for Microbial Food Safety: Edible...
Edible Landscape Plants and Home Garden Produce
Most fruit and vegetables that we eat from our home gardens are wholesome and disease-free, but it takes some work and attention to keep it that way. Here are some basic steps to remember. |
Frost Protection for Citrus and Other Subtropicals
Basics of cold-weather protection for citrus, avocado, guava, loquat, and other subtropical fruit and nut trees.
Nutrient Management in Cool-Season Vegetables
Full Title: Nutrient Management in Cool-Season Vegetables: Farm Water Quality Planning Series
This is reference sheet 9.9 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series. |
Nutrient Management Goals and Management Practices for Cool-Season Veg...
Full Title: Nutrient Management Goals and Management Practices for Cool-Season Vegetables: Farm Water Quality Planning Series
This is fact sheet 3.4 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series. |
Beet and Swiss Chard Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Cantaloupe: Safe Methods to Store, Preserve, and Enjoy
Includes tips on selecting cantaloupe from your garden or the grocery store as well as storing, safe handling, and preserving.
Rangeland Management Series: Guidelines for Monitoring Riparian Grazin...
It takes skill and careful study for a rangeland owner to determine the success of a newly established riparing grazing area. Here you’ll find a systematic approach to monitoring and analysis, and includes a set of useful sample record forms.
Establishing Integrated Pest Management Policies and Programs
Adoption of a written IPM plan is an important first step in implementing integrated pest management practices. This publication takes you through the process, step by step.
Guidelines for Residual Dry Matter (RDM) Management
Properly managed RDM can be expected to provide a high degree of protection from soil erosion and nutrient loss. Applications of specific RDM standards based
on research and experience have shown the effectiveness of this approach to grazing management.
Photographic Guide to Citrus Fruit Scarring
This publication helps you recognize specific types of scars and their causes so you can prevent costly rind damage and the possible downgrading of your fruit.
Water Pollution Control Legislation
This is reference sheet 8.1 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Developing a Nonpoint Source Pollution Evaluation Program
This is reference sheet 9.2 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Water Well Design and Construction
This is reference sheet 11.3 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Groundwater Sampling and Monitoring
This is reference sheet 11.4 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Groundwater Quality and Groundwater Pollution
This is reference sheet 11.2 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Basic Concepts of Groundwater Hydrology
This is reference sheet 11.1 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Watershed Response to Storm Events
This is reference sheet 10.2 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Turfgrass Traffic and Compaction: Problems and Solutions
Foot traffic is hard on lawns, but you can minimize the potential for damage by choosing the right turfgrass and growing it on the right soil.
Feeding Rice Straw to Cattle
Rice straw, under increased scrutiny when burned as agricultural waste, has new promise as a livestock feed.
Production of Therapeutic Proteins in Plants
Discusses the types of biologics produced in plants, plant based production systems in use, government agencies responsible for regulation of biologics, and some agricultural practices required to safely produce biologics in crop plants.
Identity Preservation of Agricultural Commodities
Identity preservation (IP) is a system of production, handling, and marketing practices that maintain the integrity of commodities. Crop varieties with unique traits benefit from IP programs that can capture their added value in markets.
Practices for Reducing Nonpoint Source Pollution from Irrigated Agricu...
This is fact sheet 3.1 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Priority Watersheds
This is reference sheet 8.4 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Safe Methods of Canning Vegetables
A guide to methods and equipment for safe canning of foods at home.
Sediment Management Goals and Management Practices for Strawberries
This is fact sheet 3.12 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Forestry, Forest Industry, and Forest Products Consumption in Californ...
A concise economic profile of California's forest-related industries over the past decade.
¡Esté alerta! La abeja africanizada en California
Bee Alert: Africanized Honey Bee Facts
Information on how to "bee prepared" for the movement of the Africanized honey bee into California. Includes tips on how to identify Africanized honey bees, bee-proofing your home, and what to do if stung.
Photo-Monitoring for Better Land Use Planning & Assessment
A set of photographs taken every year from the same locations can give you a better sense of how natural events, cultural practices, and other factors change your rangeland property over time.
Irrigation Water Salinity and Crop Production
All irrigation water contains dissolved mineral salts, and these can have a profound effect on crop performance. This publication helps you understand the basics of this relationship.
Practical Lawn Fertilization
Proper fertilization is an important part of effective lawn care. This free publication will answer your basic questions and help you establish a fertilization plan.
Watershed Function
This is reference sheet 10.1 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Ground Water Protection Areas and Wellhead Protection Draft Regulation...
This is reference sheet 8.3 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Developing a Farm Map
This is reference sheet 7.5 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
Farm Maps: Farm Water Quality Planning Series
This is reference sheet 7.4 in the Farm Water Quality Planning series.
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