NALT Keyword: agricultural land

12 Results

Private lands habitat programs benefit California's native birds
Private lands habitat programs benefit California's native birds
Private lands habitat programs benefit California's native birds

Waterbirds and landbirds, including many special status species, are using flooded fields, wetlands and riparian forest on private lands.

Clean Development Mechanism agricultural methodologies could help California to achieve AB 32 goals
Clean Development Mechanism agricultural methodologies could help California to achieve AB 32 goals
Clean Development Mechanism agricultural methodologies could help Cali...
An international cap-and-trade program — the Clean Development Mechanism — has attracted investments in projects to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, developing methodologies that California could use.
Income value of private amenities assessed in California oak woodlands
Income value of private amenities assessed in California oak woodlands
Income value of private amenities assessed in California oak woodlands

In a survey, landowners were asked to place a monetary value on amenities using a contingent valuation method; willingness to maintain amenity values did not require a large property.

Soil type, crop and irrigation technique affect nitrogen leaching to groundwater
Soil type, crop and irrigation technique affect nitrogen leaching to groundwater
Soil type, crop and irrigation technique affect nitrogen leaching to g...

Best management practices are proposed as being more effective and economical than tracking and reporting regulations for reducing the N load to groundwater.

Converting oak woodland or savanna to vineyards may stress groundwater supply in summer
Converting oak woodland or savanna to vineyards may stress groundwater supply in summer
Converting oak woodland or savanna to vineyards may stress groundwater...
A water balance model found similar annual groundwater extraction by oak woodland and vineyards in Sonoma County but critical seasonal differences.
Rainfall leaching is critical for long-term use of recycled water in the Salinas Valley
Rainfall leaching is critical for long-term use of recycled water in the Salinas Valley
Rainfall leaching is critical for long-term use of recycled water in t...

Leaching with recycled water correlated with increasing soil salinity in this study, whereas rainfall leaching decreased soil salinity.

Introducing cattle grazing to a noxious weed-dominated rangeland shifts plant communities
Introducing cattle grazing to a noxious weed-dominated rangeland shifts plant communities
Introducing cattle grazing to a noxious weed-dominated rangeland shift...

Pasture-scale tests of prescribed grazing did not reduce yellow starthistle, but did reduce medusahead in years without late-spring rainfall.

Phenology of spotted wing drosophila in the San Joaquin Valley varies by season, crop
and nearby vegetation
Phenology of spotted wing drosophila in the San Joaquin Valley varies by season, crop and nearby vegetation
Phenology of spotted wing drosophila in the San Joaquin Valley varies ...

Cherry growers are advised to monitor outside their orchards as well as within them, and to count both male and female flies in the traps.

UC COOPERATIVE EXTENSION CENTENNIAL: Improved leaching practices save water, reduce drainage problems
UC COOPERATIVE EXTENSION CENTENNIAL: Improved leaching practices save water, reduce drainage problems
UC COOPERATIVE EXTENSION CENTENNIAL: Improved leaching practices save ...
Chloride levels increase after 13 years of recycled water use in the Salinas Valley
Chloride levels increase after 13 years of recycled water use in the Salinas Valley
Chloride levels increase after 13 years of recycled water use in the S...

At half the test sites receiving recycled water since 1998, chloride levels exceeded the thresholds for chloride-sensitive crops such as strawberries.

Analysis reveals potential rangeland impacts if Williamson Act eliminated
Analysis reveals potential rangeland impacts if Williamson Act eliminated
Analysis reveals potential rangeland impacts if Williamson Act elimina...

Three-quarters of surveyed ranchers who would sell land if they lost Williamson Act tax benefits predicted that it would be developed for nonagricultural uses.

Modeling the effects of local climate change on crop acreage
Modeling the effects of local climate change on crop acreage
Modeling the effects of local climate change on crop acreage

A century of climate data and six decades of crop acreage data in Yolo County are used to analyze climate–crop acreage trends and predict future acreages.

12 Results