NALT Keyword: growing season

4 Results

Navel Orange Split
Navel Orange Split
Navel Orange Split
A near-ripe citrus fruit that splits on the tree gives a disappointing end to the growing season. Read about likely causes of navel orange split and what you can do to help reduce its occurrence.
Mowing Your Lawn and Grasscycling
Mowing Your Lawn and Grasscycling
Mowing Your Lawn and Grasscycling
Grass clippings make up a surprisingly large portion of California’s solid waste stream during the growing season. Learn how to properly mow your lawn, how to “grasscycle” the clippings, mower safety tips and more.
Using Transplants in Vegetable Production
Using Transplants in Vegetable Production
Using Transplants in Vegetable Production
Growers who use greenhouse transplants can target early-season markets and often produce multiple crops in a single growing season. In addition, they reduce pest and disease losses, and help ensure a more uniform stand.
Plasticulture in California Vegetable Production
Plasticulture in California Vegetable Production
Plasticulture in California Vegetable Production
Farmers up and down California are using plastic mulches, row covers, and tunnels to improve vegetable production or extend the growing season. This publication describes the variety of materials available, their uses, and their potential benefits.

4 Results