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Title MANAGING NEWLY ESTABLISHED PESTS: Growers, scientists and regulators collaborate on European grapevine moth program
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The first detection of the European grapevine moth in North America triggered the establishment of federal and state regulatory programs that (1) identified the insect's geographic range in California, (2) developed and implemented detection and management programs, (3) regulated the movement of plant material and equipment to minimize the threat of dispersal, (4) incorporated research-based information developed by subject-matter experts into policy decisions and (5) promoted a wide-reaching educational program for grape growers, the public and local officials. The action plan, developed and carried out through a coordinated program that included multiple government agencies, university scientists and the agricultural community, drastically reduced insect populations and limited the distribution in California vineyards such that some previously infested areas were removed from quarantine regulation.

Cooper Dr, Monica
Farm Advisor-Viticulture
Viticulture and Pest Management
Varela Dr, Lucia Graciela
North Coast IPM Advisor - Emeritus
Apples, pears, wine grapes, pest management
Smith, Rhonda J
Viticulture Farm Advisor, Emeritus
Viticulture, wine grapes, water management, pest management, vine nutrition
Whitmer, David : D. Whitmer is Agricultural Commissioner and Sealer of Weights & Measures (Retired), Napa County
Simmons, Gregory

Lucchi, Andrea : A. Lucchi is Professor, University of Pisa, Italy
Broadway, Roxanne : R. Broadway is GIS Specialist, USDA, APHIS, PPQ
Steinhauer, Robert : R. Steinhauer is Wine Grape Grower, Wineland Consulting, Napa, CA.
Publication Date Oct 1, 2014
Date Added Mar 31, 2015
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California
Copyright Year 2014

A regulatory program coordinated by government agencies, scientists and growers drastically reduced insect populations.

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