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Day 3 Agenda

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Day 3 Focus: Pesticide drift modeling and data support for regulatory processes.

(NB: Separate links and instructions to join each session will be emailed to registrants.)

Day 3 Keynote Session
Moderator: Mae Culumber, UCCE Farm Advisor, Fresno County
Start Time Topic Presenter
8:00 am Welcome and Updates Greg Douhan, Area Citrus Advisor, UCCE, Tulare County
8:10 am [Video] From flight to rest – The journey of a droplet  Video
8:20 am Effect of drift on pesticide efficacy and resistance  Gabriel Torres, Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis
8:40 am [Video] Effective spray application – From uncertainty to confidence Video
8:50 am BREAK   
8:55 am Keynote: Pain in the drift – Understanding the impact of pesticide drift from a holistic viewpoint  Emilio Gil Moya, Professor, Agri-Food Engineering and Biotechnology, Polytechnic University of Catalonia
9:40 am BREAK   


Pesticide Regulation & Stewardship Session
Moderator: Abiodun Abioye, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Scholar
Start Time Topic Presenter
9:45 am Pesticide safety and regulation in California Erin Coffey, Department of Pesticide Regulation, Enforcement Branch
10:15 Assessment of Bystander Exposures to Pesticide Spray Drift Weiying (Tim) Jiang, Department of Pesticide Regulation, Human Health Assessment Branch
10:45 BREAK   
10:50 Orchard Sprayer Drift Management Techniques for Protecting Sensitive Sites Parry Klassen, Director, Coalition for Urban & Rural Environmental Stewardship
11:10 BREAK   


Regulatory Models Session
Moderator: Sandipa Gautam, PhD
Start Time Topic Presenter
11:15 am Panel: Models in Drift Regulation: The place of models in drift regulation processes - moderated by Sandipa Gautam

Click to see more info about panelists

Colin Brown
Bradley Fritz
Maziar Kandelous
Lav Khot
Harold Thistle

11:55 am Development of Pesticide Drift Modeling to be Considered for Regulatory Use Harold Thistle, TEALS, LLC


 Mechanistic Modeling & Closing Session
Moderator: Farzaneh Khorsandi, PhD
Start Time Topic Presenter
1:00 pm Overview of a Grassroots Effort to Improve Air Blast Sprayer Modeling Mike Willett, Integrated Plant Health Strategies LLC
1:15 Model validation data collection effort in Washington apple Lav Khot, Associate Professor, Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences, Washington State University
Model validation data collection effort in California grape, citrus, and almond
Peter Ako Larbi, CE Agricultural Application Engineering Specialist, Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center
2:15 BREAK   
2:20 Panel: Regulatory Adoption and Industry Acceptance of New Data/Models - moderated by Farzaneh Khorsandi

Click to see more info about panelists

Aniela Burant
James Cranney Jr. 
Maziar Kandelous
Gabriele Ludwig

3:00 Closing Remarks  Fadi Fathallah, Professor,
Biological and Agricultural Engineering, UC Davis
3:05 ADJOURN  


Overall Agenda | Day 1 Agenda | Day 2 Agenda | Day 3 Agenda