2024 Pest Management Meeting

2024 Pest Management Meeting

Sponsor: UCCE Monterey County

Date: Thursday, November 14, 2024

Location: Agricultural Center Meeting Room (1432 Abbott St, Salinas CA)

    Time: 7:55 am-12:15 pm

Pre-registration is encouraged: https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=43793


7:55          Introductions

8:00          2024 Plant disease update

                Yu-Chen Wang, Plant Pathology Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension, Monterey

8:30          Soil disinfestation with steam for weed and disease control

                Steve Fennimore, Extension Vegetable Weed Specialist, UC Davis

9:00          Lettuce breeding for disease resistance

                Kelley Richardson, Research Geneticist, USDA-ARS, Salinas 

9:30          Pest detection & delimitation 2023-2024

                Casey McSwiggin, Deputy Agricultural Commissioner, Monterey County

10:00         Break

10:15         Update on spinach downy mildew and INSV on spinach

                Jim Correll, Professor of Plant Pathology, University of Arkansas

10:45         Soilborne pathogens of lettuce and research updates on Fusarium wilt

                 Alex Putman, Plant Pathology Extension Specialist, UC Riverside

11:15         2024 Update on thrips and INSV

                 Daniel Hasegawa, Research Entomologist, USDA-ARS, Salinas

11:45         Management of insect pests in lettuce and cole crops - research update

                 Ian Grettenberger, Extension Entomology Specialist, UC Davis

                  Addie Abrams, Graduate Student Researcher, UC Davis


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For more information, contact the UCCE Office @ 831-759-7350 or email Yu-Chen Wang (yckwang@ucanr.edu )

By Yu-Chen Wang
Author - Farm Advisor Plant Pathology