Elected officers are an important part of the leadership team in the local 4-H
club. Serving as officers helps members develop leadership skills as they
perform the duties required.
Committees can help the 4-H club function effectively and involve everyone.
Serving on a committee can give members a chance to "grow into"
responsibility, which will help them develop leadership skills.
Successful club meetings depend on leadership from effective
officers. 4-H club officers are usually elected each year near the beginning of
the club's program year.
Allowing 4-H groups to elect their own officers serves several purposes.
Before elections take place, an advisor or teen leader should do the
following: 1) explain the duties of each office; 2) discuss the need to elect
members for their ability rather than for their popularity; and 3) discuss the
procedures to be followed in the election.
4-H clubs usually elect the following officers:
President-Prepares an agenda and presides at all meetings. Understands and
follows basic parliamentary procedure. Appoints committees.
Works with advisors to insure that each meeting runs
Vice President-Presides over the meeting in the absence of
the president. Serves as chairman of the program
planning committee. Coordinates the work of
Secretary-Keeps compete and accurate minutes of each business meeting. Writes
club correspondence. Records attendance of members and
Treasurer-Handles club money. Maintains accurate and
current financial records.
News Reporter-Writes interesting and accurate reports of
the club meetings and special activities. Sends
reports of meetings and activities to local media. Maintains
a club scrapbook.
Recreation Leader-Plans and leads recreation at each
meeting. Plans special events and parties. Involves other members in leading recreational activities.
Health and/or Safety Leaders-Helps members understand health and safety
principles. Arranges for educational programs such as field
trips or speakers on health or safety.
A club may elect additional officers. For example, an energy officer,
environmental leader, or historian may be elected. The size of the club and the
age of the members may determine the number and kinds of officers to be
As one of the goals of 4-H is to develop leadership skills, it is a good
idea to pass jobs around so members gain different experiences. This usually
means that a member should not hold the same office in successive years. A
variety of experiences will help the member grow in leadership and develop new
One common problem in clubs of mixed ages is the tendency to elect the
youngest members in the club to one of the three following jobs - Recreation,
Health, and/or Safety. A club may want to elect both an older and a younger
member to these offices. This can help meet the needs and interests of the
different age groups.
Time is needed for members to become acquainted with potential officers. It
may be best to elect officers at the second or third meeting of the year, after
members have had a chance to get to know each other. Clubs that meet throughout
the year may elect officers at any time during the year. There are several
acceptable methods to elect officers.
The first method, often used in larger clubs, is a nominating committee.
This committee of three to five members is usually appointed by the president.
The committee meets with the organizational advisor prior to the club meeting
when the election of officers is to take place. Two persons are usually
nominated for each office. Each prospective officer is asked if they will serve
prior to completing the slate of officers. The slate of officers is then
presented at the club meeting as a committee report. It is always acceptable to
nominate others from the floor.
The second method is to have members at one meeting sign up for the offices
for which they would like to be elected. At the next meeting, these members
give a short statement as to why they should be elected to the office.
The third method of electing officers is by nomination from the floor. In
this method, the past president (or in a new club, organizational advisor)
calls for nominations from the floor for president. After nominations are
closed for president, the nominees are voted on prior to receiving nominations
for vice president.
For all methods, voting should be by secret ballot as members write the name
of their choice on a slip of paper. One by one, each office is filled by
members elected by the majority of votes casted.
Any member not voted into an office can be nominated for another office from
the floor. Candidates may be given the opportunity to address the club about
why they wish to be elected.
An installation ceremony is one way to stress the importance of officers and
their contribution to the club. Plus, it will inform the members of the officer
roles. Being chosen as a 4-H club officer is an honor which deserves
Committees are a critical part of a 4-H club. These groups plan and
supervise various club activities, helping members develop a sense of teamwork.
Parents and club advisors can also be appointed to help committees be
Committees may be appointed by the president with the assistance of the
advisor or members may volunteer to serve on committees. All members should
serve on at least one committee each year.
Some clubs may have standing committees which are appointed each year and
serve throughout the entire year. Examples of standing committees are program,
phoning, or membership committee. Special committees appointed during the year
may plan a club tour, fair booth, or achievement program.