California 4-H Association
University of California
California 4-H Association


Leadership of the Association

The authority of the Association rests in its active membership. 

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of the Association’s officers and the immediate Past President. The Board shall be held responsible and shall act for, and behalf of the membership in achieving the purposes, objectives, and programs of the Association as specified in the bylaws. The Board shall determine policy, develop a budget and transact business under the authority of the Association membership.


The officers of the Association shall consist of:

  • President - Shall act as the representative of the Association and liaison to the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents.
  • President-Elect - shall be responsible for the professional development program of the Association and chair the Professional Development Committee. Shall represent the Association at the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Conference. The President-Elect shall assume the position of President when the term of office of the President has concluded.
  • Vice President for Membership - responsible for membership promotion and recruitment, liaison with the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents membership office, acquaint staff members with the objectives of the organization and extending them an invitation to join.
  • Vice President for Recognition – shall be responsible for the recognition program of the Association and ensuring members are aware of recognition opportunities from the National 4-H Association of Extension 4-H Agents.
  • Vice President for Communication - Shall record minutes of Association and Board of Directors meetings. Shall publish regular communications to Association members.
  • Vice President for Finance- Shall keep the financial records of the Association and pay all bills incurred by the Association.
  • Immediate Past President - serves as chair of the Nominating Committee and acts as historian.
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