California 4-H Association
University of California
California 4-H Association

Professional Development

4-H Staff Professional Development opportunities are important because it delivers benefits to the individual, their profession and the public.

Chaired by the President-Elect, the CA4-HA Professional Development committee is charged to promote professional development among 4-H youth staff by providing guidelines and curriculum of study, professional improvement workshops, and vehicles for communication. This committee should be aware of the numerous opportunities which are available to enhance the professionalism of the membership, plan professional improvement events, and conduct other activities to benefit the membership. Make Association members aware of opportunities to join, participate in, or attend conferences and meetings of other appropriate organizations.


Monthly CA4-HA professional development webinar series

Second Thursdays of each month at 11 a.m. PST.

Our webinars have a running time of 50 minutes via Zoom and involve one or more speakers. The CA4-HA Professional Development Webinars are intended to increase the professional capacity of 4-H professionals.

Interested in presenting? We encourage professional development proposals to be submitted by UC ANR Community Education Specialists, Program Coordinators, Academic Advisors, or Community Partners. So if you have a presentation that falls under professional development and would like to present a webinar, please submit a proposal!

CA4-HA Professional Development Webinar Presentation Proposal form

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