US EPA Glyphosate Interim Registration Decision (Jan 2020)

Feb 8, 2020

On January 22, 2020, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the Interim Registration Review Decision on glyphosate. 

Since this important herbicide has been a topic of considerable discussion in the past year (in fact, the report may have actually been released while I was attending a session focused on glyphosate at the recent California Weed Science Society conference with about 500 California weed managers), I'll post a few links to the EPA decision for those interested.

Here's a link to a good landing page for the Interim Decision and related information. 

Here's a direct link to the Glyphosate Interim Registration Review Decision

This landing site has links to drill further into: the Federal Register Notice, the Interim Decision, response to public comments, and an updated review to two recently published epidemiology data sets.

Interesting and useful information from a scientific regulatory perspective.



By Brad Hanson
Author - Cooperative Extension Specialist

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