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Resource Walk-Through Videos

Master Composter Website Walk-Though (this website): https://youtu.be/QeHb5IE6_6c

How to set up a Subpod by Pam & Alyce

This is how we do it...

This is now our main storage site for all things Composting Education. Presentations are in the Google Drive linked from the Presentations page.  Zoom recordings, sign up links, and other record-keeping are all housed here as well. An explanation of all of the program's online resources can be found here. Please subscribe or add the UCCE.ROTCREW Google calendar to your own calendar on your computer or mobile device.

Most communication is done via email through a UCCE Portal eList.  The email address that you used to register to become a volunteer is uploaded into our secure database.  It is updated annually with the email address that you use when you request Reappointment.  If, someday, you choose to leave the MC program, you have to ability to Unsubscribe from the eList, but not until you resign from the program please.

CoronaVirus Disease Information

The situation surrounding the Coronavirus Disease is continuously changing. It's good to review the CDC resources about preventing illness and the transmission of disease. 

Hand washing is a win for everyone, except the germs

Hand washing can help prevent illness. It involves five simple and effective steps (Wet, Lather, Scrub, Rinse, Dry) you can take to reduce the spread of illness so you can stay healthy. Singing "Happy Birthday to me," will remind you to lather for at least 20 seconds. Regular hand washing, particularly before and after certain activities, is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of germs to others. It’s quick, it’s simple, and it can keep us all from getting sick.  

UC ANR has adjusted and implemented new guidelines for Staff (and volunteers)  Please be considerate of others and stay home if you are symptomatic.

Wishing you wellness.