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Week 4: Introduction to Soils

Materials & Handouts

Complete the following homework tasks before Thursday’s lecture.

Homework: https://forms.gle/8bgzjFLrfGWR4UMHA

Complete this form by our 4/4 Thursday evening lecture. 

  1. Watch this BBC video on soils and complete the following questions (~5 minutes)
  2. Read Introduction to Soil: HistoricalOverview, Soil Science Basics, and theFitness of the Soil Environment by Coleman et.al. 

Also available at Science Direct https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9780128052518000016?via%3Dihub (~45 minutes)

Speaker's Bio

This week we are excited to welcome Daniel Geisseler of UC Davis to give us an introductory course on soil science.

Daniel is a Cooperative Extension Specialist in the Department of Land, Air and Water Resources at UC Davis. Daniel's research and outreach focus on nutrient turnover and plant nutrition in agricultural systems. He is interested in the effects that different management practices have on nutrient use in California crops and how nutrient use efficiency can be improved, particularly with nitrogen. He completed his Ph.D. and M.S. in soil science at the University of California, Davis, and has a bachelor’s degree in International Agriculture from the Swiss College of Agriculture.

Daniel Geisseler, UC Davis