There have been some changes implemented to the Grant Tracking System (GTS) which we hope you find helpful.
They are:
1. On the home page the tab “Your Worksheets” has been changed to read “Your Proposals / Create New”. On this page the side by side column view has been changed to a top/bottom view in order to show additional fields pertaining to your existing projects in GTS. The newly added fields include the sponsor name, proposed start and end date, award Number, and the fund number.
2. When entering a new proposal on the Project Information – Financial Information tab there have been some changes to both the Cost Sharing, Disclosure of Financial Interest and Subcontracts questions.
The Cost Sharing question has been changed to remove the reference to the additional form Exhibit B. Instead, if ‘Yes' to Cost Sharing is checked, you'll see follow up questions asking you to identifying the type of cost share, dollar amount and a brief description. This will greatly assist the people reviewing your proposal when you submit to reviewers. Please note that separate cost share commitment letters may still be required.
The Subcontracts question has been updated to remove the reference to the additional form Exhibit C. Instead you will find a link to the Subrecipient Information tab on the OCG website. This page will provide you with more information about classifying Subawards versus Vendors and what items will be needed when issuing Subawards to other entities.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please email
Thank you.
Kathleen Nolan, Director, ANR Office of Contracts & Grants (OCG)