Jun 25, 2014

1) USDA NIFA - Specialty Crop Research Initiative/Citrus Disease Research and Extension

Stakeholder Relevance Statement Due Date: July 18, 2014; 5:00 PM ET (Mandatory)

Application Due Date(s): September 29, 2014; 5:00 PM ET (Invite only)

The Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) Citrus Disease Research and Extension Program (CDRE) is for the purpose of conducting research and extension activities, technical assistance and development activities to:

  • Combat citrus diseases and pests which pose imminent harm to United States citrus production and threaten the future viability of the citrus industry; and
  • Provide support for the dissemination and commercialization of relevant information, techniques, and technologies.



2) Organic Valley - Farmers Advocating for Organics (FAFO) Fund

Letter of Inquiry Due By: September 01, 2014

Farmers Advocating for Organics is a competitive grantmaking fund and is open to applicants seeking funding for projects or programs that are oriented towards protecting, safeguarding, and advancing organic agriculture and organic marketplace through research, advocacy and/or education.

Successful proposals will need to affect independent, organic, family farmers by addressing one or more of the following giving categories:

  • Organic farmer or consumer research;
  • Organic farmer or consumer education;
  • Education of CROPP members or membership;
  • Education and resources supporting beginning, current, and/or transitioning organic farmers;
  • Advocacy meant to protect organic integrity, standards and/or marketplace.


This announcement is intended to highlight only a few of the exciting new funding opportunities that are coming up. Please visit our Funding Opportunities Calendar for more upcoming funding opportunities. New opportunities will be posted to this calendar frequently. You can also sign up for the RSS feed to get automatic notices when new opportunities are added. Please remember this calendar is not exhaustive and we encourage you to seek out other opportunities as applicable to your program/research.


Thank you.

Kathleen Nolan, Director, ANR Office of Contracts & Grants (OCG)


By Kathleen P Nolan
Author - Director