Dear Colleagues,
The California Department of Pesticide Regulation is soliciting both 1) Research proposals that will help advance integrated pest management (IPM) knowledge in agricultural, urban, and wildland settings; and 2) Alliance grant projects that promote or increase the implementation, expansion, and/or adoption of effective, proven, and affordable integrated pest management (IPM) systems or practices that reduce risks to public health and the environment in agricultural, urban, or wildland settings.
Priority Topic Areas:
- IPM for underserved or disadvantaged communities;
- Decreasing the use of high-risk/high-volume pesticides (such as fumigants like 1,3-dichloropropene or sulfuryl fluoride);
- Advancement of urban IPM and safer, more sustainable pest management tools and strategies in urban settings;
- Advancement of IPM and safer, more sustainable pest management tools and strategies in agricultural settings, particularly in settings adjacent to or near a school(s);
- Meeting the IPM needs of small growers; and/or
- TWO or more of the three sustainability pillars noted below and referenced in the Sustainable Pest Management (SPM) Roadmap:
- Human Health and Social Equity,
- Environmental Protections,
- Economic Vitality
DPR Research Grants Program
Successful applications will provide strong evidence of high-risk or high concern pesticide usage and support for the project's potential to reduce or eliminate this usage. Highly ranked projects typically include economic analyses of the proposed IPM tools or practices to demonstrate their utility.
The complete application requirements are available at the following link:
Applications due: September 14, 2023
Maximum amount: $500,000
Alliance Grants Program
Successful applications will demonstrate strong partnerships, outreach, or an educational or training component to promote IPM and the broad application of the proposed IPM systems or practices. The most competitive Alliance Grant projects are those that address the topic areas listed above, can serve as a model for similar situations, have a high potential for wide adoption, and for which research has already been completed.
The complete application requirements are available at the following link:
Applications due: January 18, 2024
Maximum amount: $800,000
Thank you.
Kathleen Nolan, Director, ANR Office of Contracts & Grants (OCG)