Network Members in the News

Many of our Fire Network members are regularly featured in news articles, podcasts, and other media discussing a variety of topics ranging from prescribed fire, wildfire preparedness, fire insurance, fire workforce development, and more. Updated monthly, we aim to highlight some of the most recent news from our team. 

Stay up to date with Network Members and follow our Fire Solutions Facebook Page to connect with our Fire Advisor Team or subscribe to our YouTube Channel to watch educational videos and webinars. 


Tune in to this NPR segment where Fire Network Director and one of the founders of Women-in-Fire Prescribed Fire Training Exchanges (WTREX), Lenya Quinn-Davidson, was interviewed about the importance of WTREX’s mission within the fire industry. 


EcoNews Report

Listen in as EcoNews Report interviews Fire Network Director, Lenya Quinn-Davidson, about all things fire-related! Whether you already have fire knowledge or not, Quinn-Davidson’s insight and experience will be sure to enlighten and engage.


Conservation Conversations talked with Fire Network Director, Lenya Quinn-Davidson, about the world of prescribed fire, diversity in fire management, traditional cultural fire practices, and more! Here is where you can listen to their enlightening episode. 



In KPBS’ article “Is Chula Vista doing enough to manage its wildfire risk?”, Fire Advisor, Luca Carmignani comments on the wildfire risk in Chula Vista, a city whose wildfire risk is rated ‘extreme’. His comments advocate for the public to familiarize themselves with wildfire and prevention on a personal level. Read more to see how a city and its people can prepare for facing wildfire. 



Russian Television International (RTVI) interviewed Fire Advisor, Luca Carmignani about wildfire and post-fire conditions in California, which he addressed both at large and specifically in regard to what Southern California has been experiencing this summer. If you would like to hear more about what he had to say, see the broadcast interview here.

KNX News_News_Luca

Hear what Fire Advisor, Luca Carmignani had to say to KNX News 97.1 FM about the difficulty of adequately preparing California for fire season. 


Sacramento Bee_News_Lenya

Fire Network Director, Lenya Quinn-Davidson was recently interviewed by The Sacramento Bee about the benefit of prescribed fire in mitigating wildfire and what the challenges are to getting it on the ground. Hear what she and other agencies had to say about it amidst the Park Fire, the largest fire in California this year. 


Read about the first-ever forester-focused prescribed fire training exchange (FTREX) hosted by Fire Advisor Barb Satink Wolfson and the Central Coast PBA!


Historically, millions of acres burned every year in California, yet ecosystems were able to remain intact and even thrive. How is that possible? Fire Network Director, Lenya Quinn-Davidson was a guest on the Nature's Archive Podcast where she talked about the role fire historically played on the landscape and how adding more beneficial fire back to the landscape can protect ecosystems and promote biodiversity. 

UC's defensible space makes national news! Fire Advisor, Luca Carmignani, was featured on Good Morning America. Luca and colleagues at UC Irvine were invited to share their research on plant flammability and even do some test burns on live television. Carmignani was able to demonstrate that removing invasive grasses and maintaining native vegetation are critical ways residents can prepare for wildfires.


Catch Up on Other Fire and Natural Resource News from UC!