Enroll in Duo

Enroll in Duo

Not all email systems are compatible with Duo.  You’ll find a list of supported email clients here: Email Compatibility

Make sure that your email client is supported before you enroll in MFA\Duo to avoid service interruption.

To Enroll in Duo choose your smartphone, tablet, a cellphone, or a landline, as your device for Duo, and follow these steps:

  1. Visit https://computingaccounts.ucdavis.edu and choose Duo device management 
  2. Sign-in with your campus account.
  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to enroll a device in Duo. 
    1. Registering a smart phone (http://kb.ucdavis.edu/?id=2951)
      • If using an Apple iOS device, you may need to remove and re-add your account.
    2. Registering a non-smart cellphone (http://kb.ucdavis.edu/?id=2957)
  4. Wait up to 24 hours for Duo to be enforced on your account.

If you have questions about the rollout, please contact the IT Express Help Desk, at (530) 754-HELP (option #1), or via email to ithelp@ucdavis.edu.

You can also contact UC ANR Help Desk via email help@ucanr.edu

Thank you for your cooperation.