2024 Master Gardener Training - Amador/El Dorado Counties
2024 Master Gardener Training is complete.
Congratulations to the new class of Master Gardeners in Amador and El Dorado Counties!
Interested? Add your name to the Training Interest List at http://ucanr.edu/be_mg.
The University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) invites adults interested in helping others learn about gardening and landscaping to apply to train as a Master Gardener volunteer. UC Master Gardener volunteers learn University-based scientific information and then share that knowledge with the community. Master Gardener volunteers are people of all ages and from all walks of life with a common desire to help others learn about sustainable landscape and gardening.
Who Can Apply?
- Any resident of the County served by the training.
Need to Know
- Training will take place virtually and in person.
- Applicants need internet access; most communication will be through email and websites.
- Instruction will include hands on labs, projects, homework, exams, and lecture.
How to Apply
- Sign up on our Training Interest List at http://ucanr.edu/be_mg.
- Attend one of our orientation meetings to learn about the Master Gardener Program, our community involvement, and your participation requirements. Links to an orientation meeting will be sent to you when they are scheduled.
- Application will open mid-October and be due before November 1.
Important Dates
Orientation Meetings (attend only one)
Sign up for orientation here when they are announced!
Amador County
Location: Amador County GSA Building, 12200-B Airport Road in Jackson.
El Dorado County
Location: Sherwood Demonstration Garden 6699 Campus Drive in Placerville (behind Folsom Lake College off Missouri Flat Rd.)
Virtual Option (either county) if you cannot attend in person
Register for the virtual orientation. (A link to the Zoom orientation will be sent after you register.)
Important Dates for the next training class will be listed here
Application due:
Training Fee due:
Live Scan due:
Class Dates
What We’ll Do
- Review applicants. Main criteria for acceptance: 1) prior community service, 2) experience teaching others, either by giving presentations, writing, or in one-to-one situations, 3) experience successfully gardening.
- Conduct interviews. We will contact you within a week after the interview with your application status.
- Require a background check, including fingerprinting.
- Teach you to research home gardening solutions. Training topics and activities will cover basic plant science, propagation, fertilization, irrigation, soil, compost, vegetable and fruit gardening, trees, Integrated Pest Management (diseases, weeds, insects, small animals), research tools, and outreach techniques.
- Provide you with a mentor and plenty of volunteer and continuing education opportunities.
What You’ll Do If Accepted into the Master Gardener Volunteer Training Program
- Pay course fee online or mail a check made payable to "UC Regents" to UC Cooperative Extension, 311 Fair Lane, Placerville, CA 95667 before the deadline.
- Complete fingerprinting/live scan before the deadline.
- Attend all classes. Only one class may be missed.
- Answer gardening questions at farmers markets, at the county fair and other local events, at the Master Gardener office, at youth and school gardens, at the demonstration gardens, or at public classes.
- Assist with program activities offered through a variety of internal committees.
- Complete 50 volunteer hours your first year, then 25 volunteer and 12 continuing education hours annually.
- Post your volunteer and continuing education hours on our online, statewide MG Volunteer Management System. (We provide instructions.)
- Attend your county’s monthly MG Continuing Education meetings as often as possible.
What You’ll Get
- Multiple University of California publications including the California Master Gardener Handbook; discounts on other UC publications.
- Monthly Continuing Education meetings with speakers and activities on in-depth gardening topics.
- Frequent notifications of Volunteer and Continuing Education opportunities and other program information.
- Annual re-certification as an active Master Gardener after you post online at least 50 Volunteer hours by June 30 annually. (Future years’ annual requirements are 25 Volunteer and 12 Continuing Education hours.)
- Joy and satisfaction that you're helping other gardeners grow more nutritious vegetables and fruits, you’re making new friends, and working with others to help create a more sustainable environment.
For more information, contact the Master Gardener program in your county.