Every Year Resolution - Stop Food Waste

Feb 2, 2021

STOP FOOD WASTE                    

There is nothing that makes me feel more guilty than cleaning out the refrigerator and tossing food that has been kept too long or has visible signs of spoilage. Thanks to Jim and Sue Farr for this article on preventing food waste.

Stop food waste

One of the goals of home preservation is to prevent waste of excess fruits and vegetables. However preventing food waste should be something we apply to all of our produce and groceries. Did you know that 40% of all food in the United States is wasted? Reducing food waste is one of the easiest things you can do to help fight hunger, fight climate change, and save money. Wasted food has profound financial, social, and environmental impacts.

Three changes in your behaviors will help you reduce your food waste:

  1. Plan It: go shopping with a plan, you will save money and waste less food.
  2. Store It: proper storage of produce keeps them fresher, longer.
  3. Eat it: Keep track of your fresh produce and leftovers. Eat them before they go bad.

For more information go to: http://stopfoodwaste.org

The above StopFoodWaste website also provide tools to help you plan your shopping, track your food purchases and tips on proper storage of produce and other goods. Take the 10 minute Fridge Reality Check to gauge your food habits and where you can improve to help stop food waste.  

Reality check

Another very useful tool that will help you keep your produce as fresh and nutritious as possible is from UC Davis. Proper storage of fruits and vegetables will maximize their wholesomeness over time but it is not obvious which fruits and vegetables should be stored at room temperature on the counter, which should always be refrigerated and which should initially be stored at room temperature and then transferred to the refrigerator after a period of ripening. It is also important to keep humidity levels appropriate to the produce and occasionally measure the refrigerator temperature to make sure it is in the proper range, 34-40F.

Go to: http://postharvest.ucdavis.edu/files/230110.pdf for the UC Davis Table of Produce storage recommendations based on scientific testing. It is a good idea to print out the chart and keep it handy in your kitchen. Besides keeping your produce fresher longer, it pays dividends preserving taste and nutrition of the produce.


One last comment, there is a great movie entitled 'Wasted! The Story of Food Waste". I would recommend this movie for everyone. Please be aware there are a few scenes where language is an issue (that's Anthony Bourdain). Its a great lesson on how poorly we treat food in America. You can find the movie thought an Internet search. Prepare some popcorn and your favorite beverage and enjoy the show

Have a happy and healthy 2021!

By Bill Loyko
By Jim and Sue Farr