The Frozen Penny Test: A Simple Trick to Check Your Freezer’s Status After a Power Outage

Jun 22, 2024

The Frozen Penny Test: A Simple Trick to Check Your Freezer’s Status After a Power Outage

Jun 22, 2024

To ensure the safety of your frozen food after a power outage, especially when you're away from home, use the Frozen Penny Test. This method is a reliable indicator of whether your food has thawed and refrozen during your absence.

Frozen Penny

  1. Fill a small cup with water and place it in the freezer.
  2. Once the water is completely frozen, place a penny on top of the ice.
  3. If you return from vacation and find the penny still on top, your freezer's contents remained frozen, and your food should be safe.
  4. If the penny has sunk to the bottom, it indicates that the food has defrosted and then refrozen, suggesting that it may not be safe to consume.

Why It Works: The penny acts as a simple gauge for the state of the ice. If the freezer loses power and the ice melts, the penny will sink. When the power returns and the water refreezes, the penny will be trapped at the bottom, signaling that the contents have been compromised.

Remember, when in doubt, it's always safer to discard questionable food to avoid the risk of foodborne illnesses. This test provides a quick and easy way to make an informed decision about the safety of your frozen goods.