Zucchini Overload: How to Turn Your Green Giants into Souper Gold

Jun 24, 2024

Zucchini Overload: How to Turn Your Green Giants into Souper Gold

Jun 24, 2024

Zucchini cartoon
Are your friends and family ducking for cover when they see you coming with yet another basket of zucchini? Do those green monsters double in size overnight, turning into giant, pithy behemoths? Fear not! Instead of tossing them, turn your zucchini surplus into a delicious soup base that will last you all fall and winter. You'll love using this versatile soup base to whip up a variety of soups all season long. Happy souping!

This idea comes from Jennifer, a Humboldt County Master Food Preserver, and it's too good not to share!




 The Magic Recipe:

1. Gather Your Veggies: Slice up your zucchini, onions, and any other vegetables you have on hand (think red or green peppers, eggplant, etc.).

2. Roast to Perfection: Place the sliced veggies in a roasting pan, toss them with olive oil, and roast them uncovered in a 450°F oven. Stir frequently until they caramelize and fill your kitchen with a heavenly aroma.

3. Blend Away: Once roasted, pop the veggies into a food processor. For every 2 cups of roasted vegetables, add 1 tablespoon of chicken Better than Bouillon. Blend well to create a concentrated soup base.

4. Freeze the Gold: Portion the soup base into 1/2 cup servings and freeze each portion in an airtight container.

Roast until caramelized.
Roast until caramelized.








Freeze until needed.
Freeze until needed.