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California Continuing Education Courses

Wild Farm Alliance offers virtual continuing education (CE) courses for CE units in California

Supporting Beneficial Birds for Pest Control Services and Managing Pest Birds on the Farm (1 CE Unit)

This one-hour online course covers various practices farms can employ to utilize birds for pest control and reduce pesticide use. In addition, the course covers how to address birds when they may be pests on the farm.


Habitat on Farms Support Avian Pest Control Services (4 CE Units)

Participants will learn about research that shows the benefits of installing habitat in and around farms to attract beneficial birds that provide valuable pest control services.


Nest Boxes and Perches on Farms Support Avian Pest Control Services (3 CE Units)

Participants will learn about the research showing the benefits to the farm of installing Western Bluebird and other songbird nest boxes, Barn Owl and American Kestrel boxes, and songbird and raptor perches to gain these birds' valuable pest control services.





photos: Ryan Bourbour