University of California
Extending Orchard IPM Knowledge in California
Orchard IPM Surveys
What pest management techniques work for you and other farmers?

Oriental fruit moth bores into the center of stonefruit. The caterpillar is white or pink with a brown head.
As a form of 'citizen science', these questions will enable you to record your experiences each year, allowing the gathered information to grow into a decision-making and prediction tool that will help growers anticipate pest problems and provide effective solutions. In addition to anonymous results available immediately upon submission of your survey responses, broader reports on changes over time will be posted to the website as information becomes available.
There are three surveys currently available for the 2013 growing season. Click on the link to take the survey, or click 'Responses' to see an anonymous summary of all currently submitted answers.
Please visit often to see more surveys with new added years and orchard crops!
NOTE: Survey results are not available until at least one person has taken the survey. If the results link appears as an Adobe Forms Central page saying ‘Your form has no responses," it is because no entries have been submitted yet.
- Peach and nectarine survey (2012)
Peach and nectarine responses
A version of this survey was conducted in 2008. See the results. (PDF) - Walnut survey (2012)
Walnut responses - Cherry survey (2012)
Cherry responses