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Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion ANR Trainings
Just as UC ANR responds to demographic and social changes that introduce different languages, cultures, values, and attitudes to the workplace and new audiences in the community, so do you.

Understanding and appreciating diversity requires an understanding of yourself and the ways in which you and others view the world. Your ability to use a variety of strategies to effectively deal with diverse situations in and out of the workplace and out in the UC ANR community is very important.

Equally important is the ability to share these effective strategies openly, to leverage the diversity that exists within the organization.

On this page


Affirmative Action


Cultural Awareness & Competence


Field work and DEI

Equity in instruction

Implicit bias

Inclusion (UC 4-H)

Principles of Community

Working with Latinos

Employee Resource Groups (UC ANR)

Employee Resource Group, Affinity Group Presentation (PDF)




Accessibility Testing for Websites and Software (.gov)

Accessibility (UCOP website resources)

Also see Material review options & ADA Compliance

My Body Doesn't Oppress Me, Society Does (YouTube 5:08) Patty Berne and Stacey Milbern present a social model of disability, explaining how universal design, adaptive devices, and meeting people’s access needs can limit the social, economic, and physical barriers that render physical impairments disabling in an ableist society.

Affirmative Action
2020 Affirmative Action/Civil Rights Compliance Trainings:
Defining Clientele and Affirmative Action Planning

Target audience: These trainings include information about civil rights compliance reporting requirements for academics with ANR merit/promotion processes. If you are not one of these individuals, you may still find useful strategies in these trainings, but please follow the reporting requirements provided by your statewide program, campus, supervisor, etc.

Defining Clientele and Affirmative Action Planning



Choose your own adventure examples

Improving All Reasonable Efforts with Diverse Audiences



Choose your own adventure examples

Improving Engagement with Diverse Audiences



Choose your own adventure examples


Anti-racist resources (UC ANR web)

Holding Conversations with Your Teams on Racism - PDF (UCOP)

Cultural Awareness & Competence

Increasing Cultural Awareness & Equity and Inclusion in Extension Programs (Course Instructions)

Understanding Cultural Competence (Linkedin Learning)

Cross Cultural Competence Training (UC Davis Staff Development and Professional Services)

Asian Pacific History Month 2021 UC ANR (Videos and curated resources)


Definitions and terms from 4-H

DEI - 101 from eXtension

Professional Development (Fact sheet)

A tool for plotting linkages to define connection paths: Template ; Example (Powerpoint)

Foundation and Program Design Video (Sponsored by Engage and Empower Online)

Can We Talk About Microaggression? Quick Tip

Accessibility (UCOP website resources)

Field Work and DEI

The UC Field Research Safety Center of Excellence’s leadership training series features timely, challenging  topics led by subject matter experts, presented online in workshop format with example scenarios, practice skills, and planning guidance to promote safe teaching and research outdoors, at remote sites, and abroad. This includes

Equity in instruction

Hacks to create equity in online instruction (Amanda Crump et al) (Tip sheet)

Implicit bias

Implicit bias test (Harvard University Website)

Bias test explained (Video)

Dealing with Difficult Multicultural Discussions  Video (49:08) NAEPSDP

Managing Implicit Bias (UC Learning Center, bundle)

Avoiding Implicit Bias in Hiring: 101 online presentation

The UC Managing Implicit Bias Series is a series of six online courses designed to increase awareness of implicit bias and reduce its impact at the University
Implicit Bias Video Series (UCLA Site) - Great for Hiring Committee Members!

Preface: Biases and Heuristics (5:14)

Lesson 1: Schemas (3:12)

Lesson 2: Attitudes and Stereotypes (4:13)

Lesson 3: Real World Consequences (3:45)

Lesson 4: Explicit v. Implicit Bias (2:49)

Lesson 5: The IAT (5:14)

Lesson 6: Countermeasures (5:23)

Inclusion (UC 4-H)

UC 4-H guidance for LGBTQ+ inclusion info sheet  

Principles of Community
Living the Principles of Community (UC Learning Center, UC Davis)
Working Out Loud: Diversity and Inclusion Core (with John Stepper) (eXtension.org webinar)
Working with Latinos

Latino youth development (web)

Building Partnerships with the Latino Community (Fact sheet)

Three tools for Asset Mapping (Fact Sheet)


Overview of Guiding Principles for Engaging Latinx Youth

Conceptual Framework of Effective Organizations Serving Latinx Youth

Organizational Infrastructure Supporting Latinx Youth Engagement

Program Elements for Engaging Latinx Youth and Families

Building Relationships in Latinx Communities

Other resources

UC ANR Office of Diversity & inclusion Training (website)