- UC Performance Management: Performance Management Overview (eCourse) - Jan 30, 2024
- UC Performance Management: Setting Expectations and Individual Performance Goals (eCourse) - Feb 27
- UC Performance Management: Giving and Receiving Feedback (eCourse) - March 26
- UC Performance Management: Engaging and Developing Employee (eCourse) - April 23
- UC Performance Management: Conducting Performance Appraisals (eCourse) - May 28
- UC Performance Management: Motivating, Recognizing, and Rewarding Employees (eCourse) - June 25
- UC Performance Management: Coaching for Performance and Development (eCourse) - July 23
- UC Performance Management: Managing Corrective Action (eCourse)
- UC Hiring for Success (eCourse) - August 27
- UC Strategic Onboarding (eCourse) - September 24
- What is Implicit Bias? (eCourse) - October 22 & November 26
- The Impact of Implicit Bias (eCourse)
- Common Forms of Bias (eCourse)
- Managing the Influence of Implicit Bias: Awareness (eCourse)
- Managing the Influence of Implicit Bias: Mindfulness and Conscious De-biasing (eCourse)
- Managing Implicit Bias in the Hiring Process (eCourse)
Top of page.
Elective Courses (complete one e-course from each area)
Managing People
- Engaging Top Performers (eCourse)
- Identifying the Root Causes of Performance Issues (eCourse)
- Managing for Cross-functionality (eCourse)
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Administration and Operations
- Choosing and Preparing Your Delegate (eCourse)
- Getting What You Expect from Your Delegate (eCourse)
- Help Your Employees Prioritize Their Work (eCourse)
- Leveraging Your Strengths and Avoiding De-railers (eCourse)
- Taking Your Team to the Next Level with Delegation (eCourse)
Change Management
- Making Change Stick (eCourse)
- Moving Forward with Change Planning (eCourse)
- Facilitating Sustainable Change (eCourse)
- Building Collaborative Relationships (eCourse)
- Communicating Vision to Your Employees (eCourse)
- Dealing with Negative Reactions to Performance Feedback (eCourse)
- Facilitating Upward Feedback (eCourse)
- Facing and Resolving Conflict in the Workplace (eCourse)
- Facing the Management Challenges of Difficult Behavior and Diverse Teams (eCourse)
- Navigating Challenging Situations with Diplomacy and Tact (eCourse)
- Negotiating the Best Solution (eCourse)
- The Many Approaches to Facing Workplace Conflict (eCourse)
- Trust Building through Effective Communication (eCourse)
- UC Exercising Influence Overview (eCourse)
- UC Responding to Conflict (eCourse)

- Bookmark the UC Core Competencies model and refer to them. UC ANR does not refer to this exact edition, but it is very helpful for you in supporting your teams.
- Bookmark the UC ANR Performance Standards rubric. This based more or less on the UC Core Competencies model.
10 Questions to Challenge Your Implicit Biases (article)
With everything going on in the world, we all need to take a step back and reflect on the person we are. Are we the person we want to be? Are there ways we could be better? What has formed our implicit biases?
This 3-minute video sums up institutional racism in the United States (3:00 video)
A lot of folks struggle with the idea that systemic racism actually exists. This video from Brave New Films details why this confusion is completely unfounded.
Continuum on Becoming an Anti-Racist Multicultural Organization (rubric)
How do we know where our organization is in the spectrum of developing to
Institution's life reflects full participation and shared power with diverse racial, cultural and economic groups in determining its mission, structure, constituency, policies and practices ... and more.
Visit Project Implicit (Harvard survey)
Take a test to learn about your implicit biases.
UCLA Implicit Bias (Webpage with lots of resources)
Heard the term “implicit bias” but not totally sure what it means? Interested in reading the seminal studies? Just like TedTalks? Animated videos? This is the place for you…
UCOP Implicit Bias Series (for everyone)
As part of the University's mission to provide public service and advance knowledge, Systemwide Talent Management has made select eCourses available to the general public.