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2019 Beef Symposium at Chico State

Bridging Genetics and Rangeland Management - February 23, 2019

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2019-02-23 10.08.07










The 2019 Beef Day focused on rangeland enhancement through genetic selection and adaptive management. Researchers and livestock managers shared emerging information on bridging genetics and rangeland management, as well as other contemporary management issues. The event was a collaboration of Chico State professors, Chico State Young Cattlemen's Association, New Mexico State University professor and UC Cooperative Extension.

The event was sponsored by Western SARE and the California Beef Cattle Improvement Association


Featured Speakers and Handouts - 

Grazing distribution and management in Northern California - Tracy Schohr, Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension

      Grazing Distribution & Management in Northern California

National Forest Meadow Monitoring Program

Tools for Optimizing Cattle Grazing Distribution


Beef Cattle Genetic Technology: Where we’ve Been and Where we are headed, Kasey DeAtley, Ph.D., professor, California State University, Chico

How DNA Testing Will Affect the Accuracy of EPD Information 

Economically Relevant Traits 


Role of Nature vs Nurture in Grazing Distribution - Larry Howery, Ph.D., Range Extension Specialist, University of Arizona

Nature and Nurture’s Influence on Cattle Distribution


Implementation of Genetic Selection to Improve Cattle Grazing Distribution - Derek Bailey, Ph.D., professor, New Mexico State University


Rancher to Rancher Panel - Successful Integration of Grazing Management Strategies

Jesse Bratz, Squaw Valley Ranch, LLC, Midas, Nev.

Feature Story on Dessert Mountain Grassfed Beef produced by Jesse Bratz

Dave Daley, Ph.D., Daley Ranch, Oroville, Calif.

Video on Daley Family Ranch

Mark Lacey, Lacey Livestock, Independence, Calif.