UC Master Gardener Program of Riverside County
University of California
UC Master Gardener Program of Riverside County

Advice to Grow By ... Ask Us!

Get help and advice with your garden! Master Gardeners are here to answer your plant, tree, and gardening questions throughout east county Desert areas and west county Inland Empire areas.

Ask us about saving water in your landscape, what's damaging your plants, how to make and use compost in your own backyard, what's ailing your trees, or any gardening-related question. We're here to help!

Email or leave a message anytime.

Advice to Grow By ... Ask Us!

Helplines ...

West County (Inland Empire):

  • Email your question (preferred):
    Include as much detail as possible and any photos that illustrate your problem/question.
  • Leave a Voicemail:
    Clearly state --and repeat-- your name and contact number. And include as much descriptive detail as possible. Emailed photos showing the problem/question are very helpful.
    Note: the Help desk is not staffed everyday -- be patient.

East County (Desert Areas):

  • Email your question:
    Include as much detail as possible and any photos that illustrate your problem/question.

UC Resources

The UC Master Gardener Program mission is to share science-based information with the public. In addition to our many Volunteers, the following resources provide answers to many, if not most, of your questions.

California Garden Web

The UC Master Gardener Program designed the California Garden Web to serve as a portal to organize and extend the University of California's vast collection of research-based information about gardening to the public. The California Garden Web focuses on sustainable gardening practices.

Integrated Pest Management Program

Integrated pest management, or IPM, is a process you can use to solve pest problems while minimizing risks to people and the environment. IPM can be used to manage all kinds of pests anywhere–in urban, agricultural, wildland, or natural areas.

IPM's Plant Problem Diagnostic Tool

Rather than navigating through UC IPM’s content-dense website, the Plant Problem Diagnostic Tool uses an image selection interface to narrow down possible plant pests or problems by choosing the plant that has the issue, then the part of the plant where the problem is occurring, and then the damage observed. This process easily and quickly generates a short(er) list of possible pests, diseases, or abiotic problems; helping the user to verify their problem(s) and find appropriate solutions. The tool is for non-commercial purposes only and any non-commercial website may link directly to the Plant Problem Diagnostic Tool page.

California Backyard Orchard

When a home orchard is based on an understanding that it is, in fact, a living expression of genetics interacting with soils, weather, tree spacing, pests, and many other factors, then the outcome will likely be one of success.

Safe and Poisonous Plants

Information on this website is about plants poisonous to people. Do not use the plant lists on this site to learn about safe or toxic plants for animals. Some links are provided on plants poisonous to animals.

Additional Internet resource links are listed on the Internet Resources page

Webmaster Email: rmolaiz@ucanr.edu