Wildflire: Weather. Water, Weeds, and Wildlife

Dec 20, 2021

Wildflire: Weather. Water, Weeds, and Wildlife

Dec 20, 2021

In September and October 2021, over 100 land,  resource, and fire professionals and community members came together to learn about fire in Southern California with UCANR and the Council for Watershed Health. Over the course of three days,  over 60 federal, state, county, and local government, power and water utilities, and climate, fire, and resource scientists and professional discussed what climate change means for fire weather, how soil and water are affected by fire, how plants and animals factor in to fire damage and cycles, and how municipalities and utilities are working to manage risk. You can view the presentations and catch up with our Wildfire 101 resources at https://www.watershedhealth.org/2021-wildfire-symposium

By Sabrina L. Drill
Author - Natural Resources Advisor - Emeritus

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