So CAL Green Waste-Wood Biomass Management Symposium
So CAL Green Waste-Wood Biomass Management Symposium
So CAL Green Waste-Wood Biomass Management Symposium
University of California
So CAL Green Waste-Wood Biomass Management Symposium


Presentation Slides

Below is a list of speakers who shared slides during their presentations at this event. Those highlighted have given permission to share PDF's of their slides - click the title or name to download. Note: Many of the files are very large. Allow a few minutes to download.

Opening Keynote - Our Organic Resources
Evan Johnson, Science and Policy Advisor, CalRecycle

Biomass Sources and Concerns

The Agricultural Perspective (No slides)

The Rural and Natural Landscapes Perspective
Presentation: Introduction to the Rural and Natural Landscapes Perspective
Sheri Smith
Regional Entomologist, USDA Forest Service, Region 5

Panel Speakers:
Michael Puzzo, Environmental Scientist, California State Parks-Colorado Desert District
Kevin Turner, Invasive Pests Program Coordinator/Forester, CA Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)

The Urban Landscapes Perspective
Presentation: Introduction to the Urban Landscapes Perspective
John Kabashima, Ph.D.
Advisor Emeritus, University of California Cooperative Extension

Panel Speakers:
Richard Demerjian, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Environmental Planning and Sustainability, University of California, Irvine
Andy Trotter, Vice President-Field Operations, West Coast Arborists, Inc.
Roc White, Manager, Viramontes Express Mobile Grinding

Environmental and  Regulatory Issues

Biomass-to-Electricity Solutions for Excess Wood Material
Julee Malinowski-Ball, Public Policy Advocates, LLC

Woody chips as landscape mulch in fire-prone areas
Pam Padgett, Ph.D., Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service

 Developing a Regional Biomass Management Strategy: Balancing Multiple Interests
Michael Wonsidler,
Coordinator, Solid Waste Planning and Recycling,
County of San Diego Department of Public Works

Biomass Utilization Methods

Wood and Biomass Utilization Overview
Larry Swan, Wood & Biomass Utilization Specialist, USDA Forest Service, Region 5

David Crohn, Ph.D., Extension Resource Conservation Specialist, UC Riverside

Air Burners
Matthew O'Connor, Director, North America Sales Division, Air Burner, Inc.

Seeking Solutions - Sustaining Momentum Presentations and Round Table
Stephen Kaffka, Ph.D., Extension Agronomist, UC Davis; Director, California Biomass Collaborative

Findings from the California Roundtable on Agriculture and the Environment (CRAE)
Genevieve Taylor, Senior Facilitator, Ag Innovations



This Symposium has been coordinated by the University of California Cooperative Extension-San Diego County in collaboration with these government agency and private stakeholder partners.

Symposium footer logo farm image

1 This event is partially funded by the County of San Diego/Department of Agriculture, Weights and Measures.
2 The USDA Forest Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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