Categories by Type
: PowerPoint Presentations by Advisors and Specialists
Animal ID
Beef Quality Assurance
94. Cloned Cows and Biotech Beef Does Animal Biotechnology have a Future?
95. Paternity analysis in large commercial cattle ranch setting using SNPs – UC Davis experiences
Animal biotechnologies and agricultural sustainability
Animal Biotechnology
Animal Biotechnology Extension Education
Animal Biotechnology Where to from here?
Animal Biotechnology: How, What, and Why?
Application of Genomic Information The California Commercial Ranch Project (Slides)
Applying Biotechnologies on the Ranch
Applying Biotechnologies to the Cattle Industry
Assessing the accuracy of genomic predictions - Results from the California commercial ranch project
Beef cattle breeding in Australia
Beef Cattle Genomics – where we have been, where we are now, and where we are headed
Beef Cattle Industry Structure: Implications for Whole Genome Selection
Beef translational genomics Lessons from the literature
Biotech Beef and Cloned Cows Progress in Translational Genomics
Biotechnology and the Future of California Agriculture
Biotechnology current and future role in selection decisions for beef producers
Biotechnology: current and future role in selection decisions for beef producers
BLUP and Genomic Selection
BRD CAP Year 1 Extension Progress Report
Case Study: Extension efforts around the use of DNA tests for the U.S. beef cattle industry
Challenges to Adoption of Molecular Information
Challenges to Adoption of Molecular Information
Commercial Heifer Selection Using Genomics (Slides)
County GE-free initiatives and their implications on field research with genetically engineered crops
Current status of adoption of DNA-testing by US beef breed associations
Current Status of Genetically Engineered Animals
DNA marker panel validation update by the National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium
DNA Technologies and Marker Validation
DNA Technologies and Production Markers
DNA testing — Does it Work and Where is it Headed?
DNA testing for parentage
DNA, SNPs, MAS and GMOs – Making Sense of Biotech Babble
Economics of DNA markers for the Cow/Calf Industry
Economics of using DNA markers for sorting feedlot cattle
Economics of using DNA–markers for bull selection in the seedstock sector
Genetic Engineering – An Overview
Genetic Engineering and Animal Agriculture
Genetic Engineering in California Agriculture
Genetic Engineering in California Agriculture
Genetic Engineering in California Agriculture Bring Science into the Dialogue
Genetic Improvement in Beef Cattle — Where is it Headed?
Genetic Markers
Genetically engineered animals tangled in regulatory and political deadlock
Genomic Selection 101: Basics and experiences in cattle breeding systems
Great Expectations DNA and the cattle industry
How might DNA-based information generate value in the beef cattle sector?
Improving EPD accuracy by combining EPD information with DNA test results (slides)
Integrated Program for Reducing Bovine Respiratory Disease in Beef and Dairy Cattle
Integrating biotechnologies for the beef cattle industry
Integrating DNA Information into Beef Cattle Production Systems
Interbeef workshop- US report
Is the Market Ready for Cloned Cows?
Is the market ready for the meat from cloned cows?
Marker Assisted Selection –
Current and Future Applications
MultiState Project Report Modifying Milk Fat Composition for Improved Nutritional and Market Value
NC1010 Interpreting Cattle Genomic Data Biology, Applications and Outreach – California Station Report
Paternity analysis in a large commercial ranch setting.
Project Report Interpreting Cattle Genomic Data Biology, Applications and Outreach
Reduced SNP Panels—creation, realistic expectations, and use in different livestock industries
Technology Review
The California Commercial Ranch Project
The economics of using DNA markers for bull selection in the beef seedstock sector
The Regulation and Politics of Food from Genetically Engineered Animals
The Value of Accuracy
The value of DNA information for beef bull selection
The welfare, economic, and genetic impacts of recessive genetic factors (RGFs)
Ultrasound as a biotechnology to improve carcass traits
Use of DNA-based Biotechnologies in the Beef Cattle Industry
Use of GE crops in CA agriculture and Animal Biotechnology
Uses of DNA information on Commercial Cattle Ranches
Using genetic markers in bull selection
Using Replacement Heifers to Estimate Carcass Quality of Herdmates
Validating Genetic Markers
Validation and estimation of genetic variation associated with DNA tests for quantitative beef cattle traits
Validation of New Technologies for Beef Cattle Improvement
What are herd bulls accomplishing in multiple-sire breeding pastures
What has DNA done for me lately?
What is the Future of Animal Biotechnology?
What is the value of DNA testing?
What weighting should be given to BRD resistance in selection decisions
Where in the beef cattle supply chain might DNA tests generate value
Whole Genome-Assisted Selection
Will DNA testing make me money?
Economic value of genomic information: Sire and commercial heifer selection
Bovine Respiratory Disease
The Genetic Basis of Host Susceptibility to Bovine Respiratory Disease
Reproduction and Genetics
94. Cloned Cows and Biotech Beef Does Animal Biotechnology have a Future?
95. Paternity analysis in large commercial cattle ranch setting using SNPs – UC Davis experiences
Animal biotechnologies and agricultural sustainability
Animal Biotechnology
Animal Biotechnology Extension Education
Animal Biotechnology Where to from here?
Animal Biotechnology: How, What, and Why?
Application of Genomic Information The California Commercial Ranch Project (Slides)
Applying Biotechnologies on the Ranch
Applying Biotechnologies to the Cattle Industry
Assessing the accuracy of genomic predictions - Results from the California commercial ranch project
Beef cattle breeding in Australia
Beef Cattle Genomics – where we have been, where we are now, and where we are headed
Beef Cattle Industry Structure: Implications for Whole Genome Selection
Beef translational genomics Lessons from the literature
Biotech Beef and Cloned Cows Progress in Translational Genomics
Biotechnology and the Future of California Agriculture
Biotechnology current and future role in selection decisions for beef producers
Biotechnology: current and future role in selection decisions for beef producers
BLUP and Genomic Selection
BRD CAP Year 1 Extension Progress Report
Case Study: Extension efforts around the use of DNA tests for the U.S. beef cattle industry
Challenges to Adoption of Molecular Information
Challenges to Adoption of Molecular Information
Commercial Heifer Selection Using Genomics (Slides)
County GE-free initiatives and their implications on field research with genetically engineered crops
Current status of adoption of DNA-testing by US beef breed associations
Current Status of Genetically Engineered Animals
DNA marker panel validation update by the National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium
DNA Technologies and Marker Validation
DNA Technologies and Production Markers
DNA testing — Does it Work and Where is it Headed?
DNA testing for parentage
DNA, SNPs, MAS and GMOs – Making Sense of Biotech Babble
Economics of DNA markers for the Cow/Calf Industry
Economics of using DNA markers for sorting feedlot cattle
Economics of using DNA–markers for bull selection in the seedstock sector
Genetic Engineering – An Overview
Genetic Engineering and Animal Agriculture
Genetic Engineering in California Agriculture
Genetic Engineering in California Agriculture
Genetic Engineering in California Agriculture Bring Science into the Dialogue
Genetic Improvement in Beef Cattle — Where is it Headed?
Genetic Markers
Genetically engineered animals tangled in regulatory and political deadlock
Genomic Selection 101: Basics and experiences in cattle breeding systems
Great Expectations DNA and the cattle industry
How might DNA-based information generate value in the beef cattle sector?
Improving EPD accuracy by combining EPD information with DNA test results (slides)
Integrated Program for Reducing Bovine Respiratory Disease in Beef and Dairy Cattle
Integrating biotechnologies for the beef cattle industry
Integrating DNA Information into Beef Cattle Production Systems
Interbeef workshop- US report
Is the Market Ready for Cloned Cows?
Is the market ready for the meat from cloned cows?
Marker Assisted Selection –
Current and Future Applications
MultiState Project Report Modifying Milk Fat Composition for Improved Nutritional and Market Value
NC1010 Interpreting Cattle Genomic Data Biology, Applications and Outreach – California Station Report
Paternity analysis in a large commercial ranch setting.
Project Report Interpreting Cattle Genomic Data Biology, Applications and Outreach
Reduced SNP Panels—creation, realistic expectations, and use in different livestock industries
Technology Review
The California Commercial Ranch Project
The economics of using DNA markers for bull selection in the beef seedstock sector
The Regulation and Politics of Food from Genetically Engineered Animals
The Value of Accuracy
The value of DNA information for beef bull selection
The welfare, economic, and genetic impacts of recessive genetic factors (RGFs)
Ultrasound as a biotechnology to improve carcass traits
Use of DNA-based Biotechnologies in the Beef Cattle Industry
Use of GE crops in CA agriculture and Animal Biotechnology
Uses of DNA information on Commercial Cattle Ranches
Using genetic markers in bull selection
Using Replacement Heifers to Estimate Carcass Quality of Herdmates
Validating Genetic Markers
Validation and estimation of genetic variation associated with DNA tests for quantitative beef cattle traits
Validation of New Technologies for Beef Cattle Improvement
What are herd bulls accomplishing in multiple-sire breeding pastures
What has DNA done for me lately?
What is the Future of Animal Biotechnology?
What is the value of DNA testing?
What weighting should be given to BRD resistance in selection decisions
Where in the beef cattle supply chain might DNA tests generate value
Whole Genome-Assisted Selection
Will DNA testing make me money?
Economic value of genomic information: Sire and commercial heifer selection
Bovine Respiratory Disease
The Genetic Basis of Host Susceptibility to Bovine Respiratory Disease
Breeding, Reproduction and Genetics
94. Cloned Cows and Biotech Beef Does Animal Biotechnology have a Future?
95. Paternity analysis in large commercial cattle ranch setting using SNPs – UC Davis experiences
Animal biotechnologies and agricultural sustainability
Animal Biotechnology
Animal Biotechnology Extension Education
Animal Biotechnology Where to from here?
Animal Biotechnology: How, What, and Why?
Application of Genomic Information The California Commercial Ranch Project (Slides)
Applying Biotechnologies on the Ranch
Applying Biotechnologies to the Cattle Industry
Assessing the accuracy of genomic predictions - Results from the California commercial ranch project
Beef cattle breeding in Australia
Beef Cattle Genomics – where we have been, where we are now, and where we are headed
Beef Cattle Industry Structure: Implications for Whole Genome Selection
Beef translational genomics Lessons from the literature
Biotech Beef and Cloned Cows Progress in Translational Genomics
Biotechnology and the Future of California Agriculture
Biotechnology current and future role in selection decisions for beef producers
Biotechnology: current and future role in selection decisions for beef producers
BLUP and Genomic Selection
BRD CAP Year 1 Extension Progress Report
Case Study: Extension efforts around the use of DNA tests for the U.S. beef cattle industry
Challenges to Adoption of Molecular Information
Challenges to Adoption of Molecular Information
Commercial Heifer Selection Using Genomics (Slides)
County GE-free initiatives and their implications on field research with genetically engineered crops
Current status of adoption of DNA-testing by US beef breed associations
Current Status of Genetically Engineered Animals
DNA marker panel validation update by the National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium
DNA Technologies and Marker Validation
DNA Technologies and Production Markers
DNA testing — Does it Work and Where is it Headed?
DNA testing for parentage
DNA, SNPs, MAS and GMOs – Making Sense of Biotech Babble
Economics of DNA markers for the Cow/Calf Industry
Economics of using DNA markers for sorting feedlot cattle
Economics of using DNA–markers for bull selection in the seedstock sector
Genetic Engineering – An Overview
Genetic Engineering and Animal Agriculture
Genetic Engineering in California Agriculture
Genetic Engineering in California Agriculture
Genetic Engineering in California Agriculture Bring Science into the Dialogue
Genetic Improvement in Beef Cattle — Where is it Headed?
Genetic Markers
Genetically engineered animals tangled in regulatory and political deadlock
Genomic Selection 101: Basics and experiences in cattle breeding systems
Great Expectations DNA and the cattle industry
How might DNA-based information generate value in the beef cattle sector?
Improving EPD accuracy by combining EPD information with DNA test results (slides)
Integrated Program for Reducing Bovine Respiratory Disease in Beef and Dairy Cattle
Integrating biotechnologies for the beef cattle industry
Integrating DNA Information into Beef Cattle Production Systems
Interbeef workshop- US report
Is the Market Ready for Cloned Cows?
Is the market ready for the meat from cloned cows?
Marker Assisted Selection –
Current and Future Applications
MultiState Project Report Modifying Milk Fat Composition for Improved Nutritional and Market Value
NC1010 Interpreting Cattle Genomic Data Biology, Applications and Outreach – California Station Report
Paternity analysis in a large commercial ranch setting.
Project Report Interpreting Cattle Genomic Data Biology, Applications and Outreach
Reduced SNP Panels—creation, realistic expectations, and use in different livestock industries
Technology Review
The California Commercial Ranch Project
The economics of using DNA markers for bull selection in the beef seedstock sector
The Regulation and Politics of Food from Genetically Engineered Animals
The Value of Accuracy
The value of DNA information for beef bull selection
The welfare, economic, and genetic impacts of recessive genetic factors (RGFs)
Ultrasound as a biotechnology to improve carcass traits
Use of DNA-based Biotechnologies in the Beef Cattle Industry
Use of GE crops in CA agriculture and Animal Biotechnology
Uses of DNA information on Commercial Cattle Ranches
Using genetic markers in bull selection
Using Replacement Heifers to Estimate Carcass Quality of Herdmates
Validating Genetic Markers
Validation and estimation of genetic variation associated with DNA tests for quantitative beef cattle traits
Validation of New Technologies for Beef Cattle Improvement
What are herd bulls accomplishing in multiple-sire breeding pastures
What has DNA done for me lately?
What is the Future of Animal Biotechnology?
What is the value of DNA testing?
What weighting should be given to BRD resistance in selection decisions
Where in the beef cattle supply chain might DNA tests generate value
Whole Genome-Assisted Selection
Will DNA testing make me money?
Marketing and Management
Breeding, Reproduction and Genetics, Economics, Marketing and Management
Veterinary and Cattle Welfare
Breeding, Reproduction and Genetics, Veterinary and Cattle Welfare
Economics, Marketing and Management
Pastures and Natural Resources
Economics, Marketing and Management, Rangeland, Pastures and Natural Resources
Feeds and Feeding
Nutrition, Feeds and Feeding
Irrigated Pasture Weeds
Rangeland, Pastures and Natural Resources, Irrigated Pasture Weeds
Rangeland Ecosystem Services
Rangeland, Pastures and Natural Resources, Rangeland Ecosystem Services
Rangeland Water Quality
Rangeland, Pastures and Natural Resources, Rangeland Water Quality
Rangeland Weeds
Rangeland, Pastures and Natural Resources, Rangeland Weeds