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UC Master Gardener Certification Trainings 

Trainings provided November 2023 - September 2024. Topics: IPM (including pesticides & natural enemies), entomology, vertebrate IPM, and diagnosing plant problems.

Total number of trainings  Counties trained Total number of trainees Person hours (duration x trainees)
18 20* 748 2,285

* Some counties combine trainings with UC Master Gardeners in other counties.

Advanced IPM Trainings for UC Master Gardeners

Trainings provided July - September 2024. Topics: sustainability and IPM, pesticide safety, mosquitoes and public health pests, pesticides and water quality. 

Total number of trainings  Counties trained Total number of trainees Person hours (duration x trainees)
3 39 232 1,392

UC Master Food Preserver Trainings

Trainings provided in March and April 2024. Topic: IPM for pantry and household pests.

Total number of trainings  Total number of trainees Person hours (duration x trainees)
3 91 149

Retail Nursery and Garden Center Trainings

Trainings provided in October and November 2023 and February 2024. Topics: invasive pests, pesticides, natural enemies, and IPM for household pests. 

Total number of trainings  Total number of trainees Person hours (duration x trainees)
3 71 355