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Saponaria × lempergii 'Max Frei'

Saponaria x lempergii 'Max Frei'. Photo: SK Reid.
Saponaria x lempergii 'Max Frei'. Photo: SK Reid.


This low-mounding perennial/groundcover produces masses of pink blooms that completely obscure foliage early in the season. Though it has a months-long bloom time, best appearance is achieved with some shearing of the spent calyces after the first heavy bloom. There were no significant differences in growth between irrigation treatments, though the best foliage appearance was on the low level. The one drawback of this hardy perennial is that its stems are quite brittle and easily broken by passing feet or animals. It was relatively unharmed by insects, though some were present.

Basic Info

Submitted by: UC Davis Arboretum
Trial Exposure: Sun
Year evaluated: 2009
Height & Width
(after 2 years):
5" x 23" - UC Davis
Reported Height & Width
(at maturity):
9-18" x 12-18"
WUCOLS plant type: Gc P A
Water Needs & WUCOLS Region:
Low - Region 2 
Mean Overall 
Appearance rating:
(1-5 Scale, 5 is highest)
3.9 - UC Davis 
Flowering Months
May-September - UC Davis

Growth and Quality Data

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