Woody Biomass Grant

Oct 16, 2008

This is a reminder that pre-applications for the Forest Service 2009 Woody Biomass Utilization (WBU) Grant need to be postmarked by November 7 2008.  If you have project ideas for that will utilize woody biomass material from National Forests in California there is still time to put together a proposal.  The application package is at the Technolgy Marketing Unit website

Please contact Gareth Mayhead to discuss any project ideas.  We can provide guidance as to whether an idea has a chance of success. 

WBU Grants range between $50,000-250,000.  Match funding of 20% of the total project budget is required.  The following is a partial listing of previous equipment that has been purchased with the assistance of the program (nationwide) to give you an idea of what works.

In Woods Equipment:
- Forwarder
- Feller buncher
- Chipper
- Grinder
- Loader

Value Added Processing:
- Post and rail processor
- Pressure treatment cylinder
- Log shavers
- Doweling machine
- Laminating equipment
- Edger
- Wood fired dry kiln

Bioenergy Facilities:
- 1MW cogeneration facility
- Biomass fueled rotary dryer
- Turbine upgrade

The 2008 WBU grant funded 3 projects in California:
- Densified fuel manufacturing facility
- Feller buncher
- Log merchandizing system

You have a chance of success with this grant if you hit the primary objective of increasing the amount of acres treated on high priority National Forest System (NFS) lands.  High priority means Fire Regime Condition Class (FRCC) II or III or Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) areas.   Projects need to result in the additional treatment of NFS forest land (acres).  While the application package does not give much guidance as to appropriate acres we know from previous experience that small scale projects (less than 100 acres) have little chance of success. 

Therefore small scale heating systems (for example in schools) are not really appropriate for this funding stream (although you can still apply if you want).  The 2008 Farm Bill has provisions for funding community biomass installations in Title IX (Energy).  I have added a simple pdf  fact sheet on Title IX here.  Some of these sections in the Farm Bill are not yet funded - check the USDA 2008 Farm Bill website for further information.  I will also add simplified information to this site when it is available. 

The key with this grant as with any other is to ensure that your project fits with the grant objectives and that you follow the instructions closely.  Many businesses think that they have no chance of success but as we have seen in the past if you have the right project you will score well and have a chance of success.  If you have a project idea contact us now and we can help you decide if it is right for this program. 

By Gareth J Mayhead
Author - Academic Coordinator - Forest Products