Photo by Saoimanu Sope, Staff Assembly Ambassador
Our Inaugural EDI Summit has brought together over thirty ANR colleagues celebrating the work and wins, while also focusing on the challenges to continue creating transformation within our organization. Together in community we have representatives from each Affinity/ERG group, Staff/Academic Assembly, Our Senior Leadership Team, DEI Advisory Council, Program/Workgroup Teams, and a few other staff whose roles directly impact EDI in their respective units.
We started off our first day, January 31, with a welcome from Vice-President Glenda Humiston who shared her perspective on the history, current conditions, and future vision of EDI work within ANR. Lively discussions followed with an opportunity to create a time line of wins and significant moments over the last seven or more years.
Our keynote speaker, Lady Idos, Chief Diversity Officer, Berkeley Labs continued our first morning by sharing her expertise in building stronger groups that impact change and support organizational goals in advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion. She shared the over ten year journey of the lab to creation of their IDEA office (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accountability). Lady Idos words inspired many ideas and conversations over the rest of the day.
With today, February 1, being our closing day, and the start of Black History Month, I am excited to bring the learnings of how we can continue to advocate, educate, and inform on issues around equity, diversity, and inclusion.