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INAUGURAL Annual Award 2024

2024 Award Information

In acknowledgment of the crucial role equity, diversity, and inclusion play in fostering a vibrant and inclusive environment, the Workplace Inclusion & Belonging Unit has established an annual award. This award aims to recognize outstanding individuals or groups within the ANR community who have demonstrated exceptional commitment, leadership, and innovation in advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives.


  • Recognize and celebrate individuals or groups making significant contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion within ANR.
  • Encourage and inspire a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion within ANR.
  • Showcase best practices and innovative approaches for promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion in ANR.
  • Foster collaboration and networking opportunities among ANR colleagues committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Award Criteria:

This award is open to all individual employees, employee groups, and programs within ANR.

  • Impact: Demonstrated measurable impact on promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion within the ANR community.
  • Innovation: Implementation of innovative strategies, programs, or initiatives to address equity, diversity, and inclusion challenges.
  • Leadership: Exemplary leadership in championing equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts within ANR.
  • Collaboration: Collaboration with diverse stakeholders to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Sustainability: Evidence of sustainability and long-term commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives.
  • Adaptability: Ability to adapt strategies and approaches to address the evolving needs and challenges related to equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Principles of Community: Showcases consistent actions and behaviors to uphold the spirit of the Principles of Community.

Nomination and Selection Process:

  • Call for Nominations: Nominations will be open April 30 – May 15.
  • Nomination Submission: Individuals or groups can be nominated by peers, colleagues, supervisors, or self-nominated. Nominations should include a detailed description of the nominee's contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion within ANR.
  • Review and Evaluation: The selection committee will consist of appointed representatives from the DEI Advisory Council, the Employee Resource Groups, the Staff Assembly, and the Academic Assembly. The committee will review nominations based on the award criteria and select finalists. The Director of Workplace Inclusion and Belonging will make final decisions.
  • Finalist Selection: Finalists will be notified and may be requested to provide additional information or participate in interviews to further evaluate their contributions.
  • Award Presentation: Winners will be announced and honored at the yearly Staff Recognition and Award Ceremony.

Award Benefits:

Recognition: Winners will receive public recognition and visibility for their achievements in promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion through their name(s) added to a plaque at the Valley Oak Conference Room, 2nd Street Davis.

Networking: Opportunities to network and collaborate with other equity, diversity, and inclusion advocates within ANR at the yearly EDI Summit.

Professional Development: Winners will receive an opportunity to build deeper knowledge through access to the purchase of a book/materials that will help them expand their learning.

The Workplace Inclusion and Belonging Award aims to honor and celebrate individuals or groups who are leading the way in creating inclusive and equitable environments. By recognizing and sharing their achievements, we hope to inspire and empower others to continue striving for a workplace that embraces each person for the value they bring to the organization and the work to achieve our strategic goal of improving equity, diversity, and inclusion.