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Revision guidelines

The Communication Advisory Board's original recommendation was that each ANR publication in distribution be reviewed every three years. This proved to be unrealistic in terms of time and workload. To assist Associate Editors in this cyclical review task, the CAB agreed that the Associate Editors’ goal should be to have all publications revised every five years, if possible. 

Revision guidelines

Often a cyclical review will result in the recommendation to revise the publication, but the original author doesn’t or can’t take on this task. In that situation, Associate Editors can refer to the following authorship guidelines:

If an existing publication needs revision…

…and the author doesn’t want to do it, but another person is willing to, the publication is revised with the new writer as the senior author.

…and the author is gone, but another person is willing to revise it, the new writer becomes the senior author. Authorship can read “Revised by John Smith based on work by Mary Jones.”

…and no one wants to do it but there is a compelling programmatic reason to revise it, the Associate Editor notifies Communication Services, who will then consider hiring a writer to work with authors and the Associate Editor to write the revision.

If a publication is out of print and no authors want to revise it, let it stay out of print