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New publication review

Before peer review of printed publications

Although the peer review process is essentially the same for all types of ANR publications, there are a few preliminary steps, both recommended and required, for manuscripts expected to become printed publications only.

Discuss the concept
Prior to writing a major ANR publication such as a book or curriculum, authors are strongly urged to discuss its concept with his/her Associate Editor. Associate Editors may know about similar publications in development or that have already been produced. Associate Editors may encourage more program involvement or a different direction for the content. 

Authors are also encouraged to contact Ann Senuta to discuss their ideas about production of the publication, its desired format, its market potential, and whether authors have grant funds to assist with printing costs. 

These initial discussions can help focus a manuscript, making it a more viable, useful ANR publication. Some authors have found it useful to consider these questions when developing a manuscript.

Communications Advisory Board approval
If an author intends this manuscript to be a print publication of any length or a multi-element curriculum kit, its concept must be approved by the Communications Advisory Board before peer review begins. 

To do this, the author completes the online Proposed Large Publication survey and attaches a draft table of contents. Upon receipt of this information, Communication Services solicits comment about the proposed publication by its subject area Associate Editor and does a production cost estimate and marketing analysis. All of this information is compiled into a proposal that is presented to the Communication Advisory Board at its next quarterly meeting or via Collaborative Tools. Ann Senuta then communicates the Board’s decision to the author and Associate Editor.