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What gets peer reviewed?

Peer review is required for any educational material that is

  1. published as a UC ANR product
  2. assigned an ANR number
  3. may be included in the ANR catalog

This include publications, curriculum kits, videos, and CD-DVDs.

Peer-reviewed materials should

  • be directed at the needs of ANR clientele
  • relate research-based information to practical techniques or concepts
  • be written for a lay and/or professional user audience
  • contain the author’s original expression of the information
  • contain sufficient content to convey extension-related information, techniques or concepts
  • be available and useful to clientele over a period of time
  • be intended for statewide or national use, although some regional materials may be acceptable.

Not appropriate as ANR-numbered publications

  • conference proceedings
  • textbooks intended primarily for academic audiences
  • primary reports of research results
  • one-time or limited-use materials such as newsletters, meeting handouts, short course materials, and public relations materials
  • stand-alone cost studies
  • information for single-county or local use.