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Why does it take so long?

Publishing and production staff are professional editors, graphic designers and project managers who ensure your manuscript is produced as a well-organized, clear and attractive publication. This does not happen quickly. In the case of major books, this can take well over a year to move through the production steps, some of which involve authors’ review of completed work. In addition, the unit currently has several staff vacancies, adding to the length of time the work takes.

The steps outlined below are extremely simplistic but demonstrate the many stages of making a Word manuscript into a published book. Online electronic publications have fewer steps and are typically completed within 6 months after peer review.

1. Preproduction. Check that manuscript is complete; prepare front and back matter; create style sheet; and apply formatting coding (Word styles) throughout text

2. Copyediting. Do comprehensive line edit for style, grammar, spelling, punctuation, sense, etc.

3. Schedule launch meeting. Hold meeting with staff and author to determine production specs, marketing, etc.

4. Author reviews copyediting. Verify that editing has not altered meaning or introduced errors; respond to copy editor's questions

5. Editorial cleanup. Resolve items from author review; code manuscript for design stage

6. Create photo list. Compile list of photos and obtain high-resolution digital images

7. Correct photos. Custom color correct, dust and profile and archive all photos in a repository that Publishing can access (i.e. Box)

8. Design elements. Create static elements; master pages, select fonts, build table styles

9. Draw. Create needed illustrations, charts, graphs and maps

10. Design pages. Place text with accompanying photos, figures, tables, and sidebars

11. Prepare page proofs for author. Build InCopy laid-out pagesfor review by editor and authors

12. Author reviews proofs. Author does final proofread for errors and gives final approval

13. Proofreading. Professionally proofread layout at same time as step 12

10. Proof cleanup. Resolve items from author review of proofs and proofreading

11. Proof correction. Make final changes in proofs using InDesign or InCopy

12. Bid printing. Finalize specs and quantity; request estimates from multiple vendors; request PO

13. Indexing. Professionally index book

14. Review index. Author reviews and approves index

15. Lay out index. Add index to book.

16. Final review/prep for printer. Designer takes multiple final actions to make files printer ready.

17. Send to printer. Designer transmits files to printer using the web.

18. Approve blueline. Review and approve final page proofs proof from printer

19. Printing. Printer prints, binds and ships books

20. Delivery. Books received in warehouse; title is logged into into inventory system