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Funding information for printed ANR publications

Due to the costs required to produce printed publications and curriculum kits, the Communication Advisory Board must approve spending UC ANR resources on the production of these materials. This approval takes place very early in the process, before peer review begins, and ideally before the writing begins. Online publications do not require approval by the Communication Advisory Board.

Details about the CAB approval process for printed publications and curriculum kits can be found here.

Once CAB has approved a proposed publication, and the manuscript has passed peer review, UC ANR supports its authors by covering all of the editing and production time. If authors have grant or other funds to apply to their publication's production costs, they will be welcome. Contact Linda Forbes to discuss this.

Some authors may wish to have a dual publication produced, which appears as a printed version as well as an online, free version. UC ANR Publishing cannot produce dual publications in this way without financial assistance from the author that covers printing costs.