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So you want to write an ANR publication

If you have an idea for a new ANR publication, there are a few steps to follow to ensure your idea becomes a finished publication in a timely and efficient manner.

Step 1. Evaluate the idea
Your first step should be to evaluate your idea with the appropriate workgroup or program-coordinating body and the Associate Editor (AE) responsible for the subject matter of the publication. Discuss with your AE the specifics of your idea, whether there is a need for it, what form the publication should take, and whether funding is available for production. Your AE may suggest that you contact Managing Editor Debbie Thompson for further information.

Step 2. Determine whether the publication requires by the Communications Advisory Board approval
If your publication will be an electronic publication, it can be approved by the AE.) Continue to Step 5.

If your publication will be one of the following:

  • a printed leaflet or a multi-chapter book
  • a complex curriculum kit with multiple elements

then the publication will require approval by the Communications Advisory Board (CAB) before CS produces it. Continue to Step 3.

Step 3. If CAB approval is needed, you must provide information about the project’s content, desired format and potential market via an online survey for the Communications Advisory Board. The process is explained and link to the survey form is provided here.

Step 4. Submit your manuscript to the Manuscript FastTrack online peer review system. Please consult the Guidelines for details on formatting your manuscript. Charts, graphs, and tables must be submitted for peer review, as well as photographs and line drawings that provide important technical content. The latter are submitted as attachments to the document. Include a list of possible reviewers for your manuscript in the Comments field. Lastly, fill out the top section of the MF-21 form, which accompanies your manuscript in the system throughout its review process. Individual chapters of multi-chapter books must be submitted separately.

Step 5. The Associate Editor manages the peer review.
1)    The AE reads the manuscript and makes an initial assessment as to whether it is ready to be reviewed;
2)    selects reviewers and invites them to the online system;
3)    receives the reviewed manuscript;
4)    summarizes reviewers’ comments and works with you on revisions;
5)    decides whether the finished manuscript is acceptable as an ANR publication;
6)    if pesticides are recommended in the manuscript, sends the manuscript to the Statewide Pesticide Coordinator for review and approval; and
7)    signs MF-21 form and notifies Communication Services

Step 6. The Publishing group assigns an ANR publication number and the publication moves into editing and production (or returns it to you for production if you have outside funding). Managing Editor Debbie Thompson will contact you regarding next steps.